Assoc/Prof    Wang Xue-sen

PhD Maryland, BSc Fudan

Department of Physics               (Office: S13 03-09)

National University of Singapore

2 Science Drive 3,  Singapore 117542

Tel: (65) 6516 2961;     Fax: (65) 6777 6126



PC4259: Surface Physics

PC5198: Graduate Seminar Module in Physics

PC5212: Physics of Nanostructures


Research Areas and Topics

Surface Science Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) studies of surface atomic and electronic structures on semiconductors and dielectric/ceramic materials; adsorption, reaction, ion-sputtering and etching  
Thin Films Semiconductor heteroepitaxy; crystalline dielectric/ceramic thin films on semiconductors; functional materials/structures on Si-based substrates; semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor (SIS) structures 
Nano Structures Self-assembly growth and characterizations of quantum dots, nanoparticles, nanowires and molecular nanostructures

Research opportunity for graduate students:  if you are interested in self-assembly fabrication of quantum dots, nanoparticles, nanowires and molecular nanostructures, functional  (e.g. magnetic, optoelectronic) materials on Si, and characterization (mainly using STM) of these nanostructures and thin films, please contact me.

Selected Recent Publications:

M. Xu, M. Jeyanthinath, X.-S. Wang, J. Jia, and, Q. Xue, �Strain-mediated uniform islands in stacked Ge/Si(001) layers�, Japan. J. Appl. Phys. 43, 7411-7414 (10 November 2004).

X.-S. Wang, S. S. Kushvaha, Z. Yan, and W. Xiao, �Self-assembly of antimony nanowires on graphite�, Applied Physics Letters 88, 233105 (6 June 2006).

Z. Yan, S. S. Kushvaha, W. Xiao, and X.-S. Wang, �Different dimensional structures of antimony formed selectively on graphite�, Applied Physics A 88, 299-307 (24 May 2007).

H. Zhang, S.S. Kushvaha, S. Chen, X. Gao, D. Qi, A.T.S. Wee, and X.-S. Wang, �Synthesis and magnetic properties of MnSb nanoparticles on Si-based substrates�, Applied Physics Letters 90, 202503 (16 May 2007).

X.-S. Wang, �Nanoparticles, nanorods and other nanostructures assembled on inert substrates�, in: G.A. Mansoori, T.F. George, L. Assoufid, and G. Zhang (eds.), Molecular Building Blocks for Nanotechnology: From Diamondoids to Nanoscale Materials and Applications (Topics in Applied Physics Series Volume 109), Springer-Verlag, New York, February 2007, pp. 118-153.

X.-S. Wang, W. Xiao, S.S. Kushvaha, Z. Yan and M. Xu, �A comparative study of Al, Ge and Sb self-assembled nanostructures on graphite�, in: E.V. Dirote (ed.), �New Development in Nanotechnology Research� (Nova Science Publishers, 2006), Chapter 6.

Publication List

STM Images


Si(111)-7�7, step structures, etching with Cl and Br


GaAs(001)-2�4 (MBE grown), Ge on GaAs(001)


Damages by ion-sputtering, Ge nucleation on sputterd GaAs(110)

Silicon Nitride on Si

Crystalline SiNx films on Si(111), metal and semiconductor growth on SiNx films

(Up-dated 1/Aug/2007)