José Ignacio Latorre
PhD in Particle Physics, University of Barcelona
Professor (Provost’s Chair)

Office: S15-03-07
Tel: +65 6516 5102

Current Research

  • José Ignacio Latorre was appointed Director of the Centre for Quantum Technologies in July 2020. He is also Professor and Provost’s Chair in the National University of Singapore’s Department of Physics. A leading figure in particle physics and quantum information, José Ignacio joined CQT, NUS from the University of Barcelona. He has been heading a research group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center to build the first quantum processor in Spain. José Ignacio is also the founder of the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, a Spanish scientific facility that is well known in the quantum information community for hosting workshops and conferences.

Selected Publications

  • Adrián Pérez-Salinas, Alba Cervera-Lierta, Elies Gil-Fuster, J. I. Latorre. (2020). Data re-uploading for a universal quantum classifier. Quantum 4 226
  • Carlos Bravo-Prieto, J. Lumbreras, Luca Tagliacozzo, J. I. Latorre. (2020). Scaling of variational quantum circuit depth for condensed matter systems. Quantum 4 272
  • Adrián Pérez-Salinas, Diego García-Martín, Carlos Bravo-Prieto, J. I. Latorre. (2020). Measuring the tangle of three-qubit states. Entropy 22 46
  • J. I. Latorre, Alba Cervera-Lierta, Dardo Goyeneche. (2019). Quantum circuits for maximally entangled states. Phys. Rev. A 100 022342
  • Albert Gasull, Alba Cervera-Lierta, German Sierra, J. I. Latorre. (2018). Multipartite entanglement in spin chains and the Hyperdeterminant. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 505301
  • J. I. Latorre, Sierra, German. (2015). THERE IS ENTANGLEMENT IN THE PRIMES. Quantum Information and Computation 15

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