Merrick Ho

[BSc (Hons) 2021]

Merrick with his FYP project in CQT

I have learnt to take unexpected challenges in my stride and acknowledge that even if things do not turn out the way I have planned, that is still fine.

Before the pandemic hit in 2019/2020, I thought I had a clear idea of how I was going to complete my academic journey: I had intended to go on an exchange programme to Japan, returning before my final year began to embark on my Final Year Project (FYP). I even had the modules I wanted to enrol in planned out. When COVID-19 threw a wrench into these plans, I was frankly a little lost; I needed to obtain a leave of absence since the university semester had started. In a bid to graduate on time, I took as many special term modules in the summer as I could. This resulted in my having to complete more modules than I had planned in my final year, on top of juggling my FYP and other commitments.

While it all sounds like I had a difficult time then, I am however truly grateful for the opportunities that I was led to because of my situation. I had initially planned to do my research at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) only for the period before I flew to Japan, but stayed on throughout the time until I graduated. I have learnt so much—about research, Physics, and even discovering my own passion in the process—thanks to Asst/Prof Travis Nicholson’s guidance and my helpful laboratory mates. I emerged a little worn out, tired because of the “extra” things I needed to do to graduate on time, but thankful nonetheless. I have learnt to take unexpected challenges in my stride and acknowledge that even if things do not turn out the way I have planned, that is still fine.

I am currently serving my scholarship bond with the Defence Science & Technology Agency, and I am really thankful for the secured job in these uncertain times.

In my short stint at the CQT lab, I was surrounded by passionate and driven people. It was refreshing because it was hard to see the bigger picture beyond just doing well in my modules and securing a good cumulative average point. I slowly realised that I was being influenced by them to pursue what truly excited me and to push beyond the “safe boundaries” I have unconsciously fenced myself within. These are trying times for graduates, but finding what you enjoy doing can make it just a little easier.