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The 16th Singapore-China Joint symposium on Research Frontiers in Physics

The Singapore-China joint symposium series has been the premier meeting among researchers in Singapore and Chinese partner Universities focusing on research frontiers in physics. The current 16th meeting aims to feature recent breakthroughs and emerging trends in Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Physics. Different from previous physical meetings, this year’s symposium will be held online featuring a series of invited presentations during December 15th – 22nd, 2021. All presentations will be by invitation only and organized by the Physics Department of National University of Singapore (NUS) in close collaboration with colleagues from other Universities in Singapore and China. The presentations will be broadcast live at koushare.com and open to all, free of charge.

The organizing committee remains committed to the mission to advance the frontiers of physics and provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of frontier research in the physical sciences. Now more than ever, we shall strive to organize a first-class technical symposium and an impactful online event. We warmly invite you to this symposium and hope your ongoing research and study can greatly benefit from this symposium.


Please register your interest to participate and attend this symposium at [https://nus.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/502009] from 28th September 2021 onwards.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to meeting you soon.

Scan the QR code for live online broadcast during Dec. 15 – Dec 22, 2021.

Organizing Committee

CHAIR Gong Jiangbin (NUS)
MEMBERS Feng Yuan Ping (NUS), Ariando (NUS), Wang Qinghai (NUS), Yang Shengyuan (SUTD), Du Jiangfeng (USTC), Yao Daoxin (SYSU), You Jianqiang (ZJU).

Contact Information

CONFERENCE SECRETARY Ms Hilary Ng (email: physec@nus.edu.sg)

15 Dec Wednesday

Chair: GONG Jiangbin (龚江滨)

11:45 amOpening Ceremony
12:00-12:45 pmARIANDOFrom Copper, Iron to Nickel Era of High Temperature Superconductivity
12:45-1:30 pmNIE Yuefeng (聂越峰)Extreme Strain Tunability and Novel Phases in Ferroelectric Oxide Membranes
1:30-2:15 pmXU Gang (徐刚)Novel Topological States and Phase Transition in Magnetic Materials
16 Dec Thursday

Chair: HO Wen Wei (何文维)

12:00-12:45 pmLIU Xiongjun (刘雄军)Two-State Edge Berry Phase Mechanism for Dirac And Majorana Kramers Pairs of Corner Modes
12:45-1:30 pmLIU Xin (刘鑫)Controllable Majorana Platform with Topological Band Structure
1:30-2:15 pmHO Wen Wei (何文维)Emergence of Quantum State Designs from Quantum Chaotic Dynamics: A New Kind of Random-Matrix Universality
17 Dec Friday


12:00-12:45 pmPENG Xinhua (彭新华)Search for Axion-Like Dark Matter with Quantum Sensors
12:45-1:30 pmSOUMYANARAYANAN, AnjanCreating and Manipulating Magnetic Skyrmions
1:30-2:15 pmXU Nan (徐楠)Realization and Control of 1D Massless Dirac Fermions
2:15-3:00 pmGAO Weibo(高炜博)Valleytronics By Layer Engineering
18 Dec Saturday

Chair: GAO, Weibo (高炜博)

12:00-12:45 pmJIN Xianmin (金贤敏)Photonic Chip for Scalable Quantum Information Processing
12:45-1:30 pmLU Dawei (鲁大为)Experimental Quantum Principal Component Analysis via Parametrized Quantum Circuits
1:30-2:15 pmGAO, Yvonne (高媛)Towards Universal Quantum Computation with Bosonic Qubits
20 Dec Monday

Chair: YANG Shengyuan (杨声远)

12:00-12:45 pmZHANG Lifa (张力发)Chiral Phonons: Prediction, Verification and Applications
12:45-1:30 pmZHANG Chun (张淳)Prominent Nonequilibrium Effects in Nanoscale Electronic Devices Predicted by Steady-State DFT
1:30-2:15 pmZHANG Hong (张红)The Excited State Dynamics Driven by Ultrafast Laser: Applications of TDDFT and Non-Linear Phononics
21 Dec Tuesday

Chair: WANG Qinghai (王清海)

12:00-12:45 pmZHANG Ren (张仁)Duality Between Non-Hermiticity And Curved Space
12:45-1:30 pmXUE Peng (薛鹏)Non-Bloch Parity-Time Symmetry and Exceptional Points
1:30-2:15 pmLEE Ching Hua (李庆华)Synthetic Topological and Non-Hermitian Systems
2:15-3:00 pmWANG Yi-Pu (王逸璞)Cavity Magnonics: Interplay Between Spins and Photons
22 Dec Wednesday

Chair: YOU Jian Qiang (游建强)

12:00-12:45 pmWAN Xiangang (万贤纲)Determining the Range of Magnetic Interactions from the Relations Between Magnon Eigenvalues at High-Symmetry K Points
12:45-1:30 pmYAO Daoxin (姚道新)Einstein-De Haas Effect of Topological Magnons
1:30-2:15 pmYANG Shengyuan (杨声远)Berry-Connection Polarizability and Third-Order Hall Effect