HO Wen Wei (He Wenwei)
PhD, University of Geneva (2017), MS, University of Waterloo (2014), AB, Princeton University (2013)
Assistant Professor, NUS Presidential Young Professorship
Email: wenweiho@nus.edu.sg
Office: S12-02-07
Current Research
- I theoretically study novel nonequilibrium quantum many-body phenomena realizable by programmable quantum systems, utilizing the lens of quantum information theory. Non-exhaustive examples of topics I have worked on include prethermalization in Floquet systems & beyond, quantum many-body scars, and most recently, the emergence of novel universal random matrix statistics (quantum state designs) in quantum chaotic dynamics.
- I also keep close collaborations with experimental groups with analog quantum simulators (Rydberg atoms, ultracold atoms in optical lattices), by proposing and exploring quantum simulation possibilities. I am also interested in developing protocols to enhance the capabilities of such platforms for applications in quantum information science.
Selected Publications
- M. Ippoliti, W. W. Ho, “Dynamical purification and the emergence of quantum state designs from the projected ensemble”, arXiv: 2204.13657
- W. W. Ho, S. Choi, “Exact emergent quantum state designs from quantum chaotic dynamics”, Physical Review Letters 128 (6), 060601 (2022)
- P. N. Jepsen, W. W. Ho, J. Amato-Grill, I. Dimitrova, E. Demler, W. Ketterle, “Transverse spin dynamics in the anisotropic Heisenberg model realized with ultracold atoms”, Physical Review X 11 (4), 041054 (2021)
- S. Ebadi, …, W. W. Ho, …, M .D. Lukin, “Quantum phases of matter on a 256-atom programmable quantum simulator”, Nature 595 (7866), 227-2232 (2021)
- W. W. Ho, S. Choi, H. Pichler, M. D. Lukin, “Periodic orbits, entanglement, and quantum many-body scars in constrained models: Matrix product state approach”, Physical Review Letters 122 (4), 040603 (2019)
- W. W. Ho, T. Hsieh, “Efficient variational simulation of non-trivial quantum states”, SciPost Physics 6 (3), 029 (2019)
- D. Abanin, W. D. Roeck, W. W. Ho, F. Huveneers, “A rigorous theory of many-body prethermalization for periodically driven and closed quantum systems”, Communications in Mathematical Physics 354 (3), 809-827 (2017).