A Day in the Life of…

Laboratory technologist Mdm Lee Lai Bay shared about a day in her life at work. Mdm Lee is also a recipient of the IPS Crescendas Award for Outstanding ITE Engineering Physics Lecturer 2016.

Operating machine tools to produce precision parts and fixtures using aluminium alloy and stainless steel may sound like a masculine job but it is no tough feat for Mdm Lee Lai Bay. As a lab technologist of over 10 years with the department’s workshop, Mdm Lee takes every job assigned to her seriously. Before joining NUS, Mdm Lee was already familiar with precision engineering having been in the private tool and die industry for a long time.

Appearing calm and collected as always, Mdm Lee beamed with delight as she shared unreservedly about her work. Screening through every job requirement assigned to her is something she will approach conscientiously. Not every job may be feasible given the limited resources and at times the engineering demanded. She will make sure that the technical drawings submitted are proper and does not hold any sense of ambiguity. Verifying details with the requestor is necessary if things are not clear. She also has to check the availability of tooling and material before proceeding further. A job may take a day, week or even months to complete depending on its complicacy.

Whether it is serving university faculty, researchers or students, Mdm Lee handles every request with care. “My greatest job satisfaction comes when a job is completed much earlier than expected with the best quality,” remarked the former ITE lecturer. Currently a judge for World Skills Singapore in the category of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Turning, Mdm Lee has to constantly keep up with her knowledge of turning and milling technology. Her willingness to devote her time and effort to advance the course of technical education has won her the IPS Crescendas Award for Outstanding ITE Engineering Physics Lecturer last year.

Laboratory technologist Mdm Lee Lai Bay
Paddling leisurely at MacRitchie Reservoir

Although technology like CNC may ease or speed up the manufacturing of products, the human element involved in visualising, designing and programming the step-by-step instructions is nonetheless still paramount in the whole engineering process. A recent job request attested to this. A mechanical fixture that was to be part of a tool for a research on DNA was requested. Due to the high cost and high precision involved, no external vendors were willing to take up the job. When the workshop was approached for assistance, Mdm Lee studied its feasibility and took on this challenging task. The result was nothing short of a workable product. And more orders have come in since!

Mdm Lee believes not only in working hard but also paddling hard. An avid sea sports fan, diving, canoeing and swimming are Mdm Lee’s favourites activities. She used to coach canoeing and swimming in her spare time and was honoured to be part of the National Canoeing Squad from the seventies to nineties. For some 15 years Mdm Lee represented Singapore in canoeing and was the proud recipient of multiple medals. Now she still goes kayaking though more leisurely at the MacRitchie Reservoir every weekend.