13th China-Singapore Joint Symposium on Research Frontiers in Physics

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The China-Singapore Joint Symposium on Research Frontiers in Physics is an annual symposium that provides great opportunities for exchange of scientific ideas and in-depth discussion on the latest research endeavours by physicists from China and Singapore. The topics presented at the 13th Symposium held from 7–9 Dec ranged from biological physics, 2D materials, oxides to novel topological materials.

The Department of Physics was proud to host the symposium which attracted over 40 participants. An invitation was also extended to scientists from Nanyang Technological University and the department was encouraged by the excellent responses and feedback received at the end of the session.

It is hoped that this interactive platform will serve to inform researchers of works done at both sides, elicit discussions on the latest findings and prospective advances in the various fields as well as open up the possibilities of collaborations amongst the participants.