Suggested Study Plan

Year/SemOption 1 (heavy Year 1, but all the maths are in place for Year 2)Option 2 (lighter Year 1, but heavy Year 2, learning maths at the same time as the physics courses in which they are used).
1/1PC1141, PC1142, MA1101R, MA1102RPC1141, PC1142, MA1101R or MA1102R
1/2PC1143, PC1144, PC2134PC1143, PC1144, MA1102R or MA1101R
2/1PC2131, PC2132, possibly PC2193PC2131, PC2132, PC2134, possibly PC2193
2/2PC2130, PC2230, PC2193 if not in Sem 1PC2130, PC2230; PC2193 if needed (PC2134: not advisable to have it so late)

Other remarks

Waiving of pre-requisitesLecturers can waive prerequisites, but of course they are not obliged to. Please consult them early enough if your planning involves taking some course before, or concurrently with, a prerequisite.Example 1: you want to take one of the MA courses in semester 2 concurrently with PC2134. Example 2: you get a failing grade for PC1141 in year 1, and you want to take it again in year 2 concurrently with PC2132.
Year 3There are two Level 3000 compulsory courses. PC3130 is offered in semester 1 and in the special term. PC3193 is offered in both semesters 1 and 2.Students going for SEP in semester 1 or for NOC for the whole year should either take PC3130 in the special term (end of year 2 better than end of year 3), or map it overseas. PC3193 can be taken in either semester; we discourage students going for SEP to map this course overseas.