Specialisation in Quantum Technologies (for cohort before AY2021/22)

This specialisation focuses on the foundations of quantum mechanics and its application to sensing, communication, computation and cryptography.

To be awarded a Specialisation for Quantum Technologies, candidates must read and pass the following courses, as part of the major requirements for B.Sc. (Hons.) with a primary major in Physics.

Course LevelMajor RequirementsCumulative Units
Compulsory Courses
  • PC4228 Device physics for Quantum Technology
  • PC4199 Honours Project in Physics, on a related subject [*]
Two Courses

Two of the following with at least one Level 4000 course:

  • PC3233 Atomic and Molecular Physics I,
  • PC3288 Advanced UROPS in Physics I, on a related subject [*]
  • PC4230 Quantum Mechanics III
  • PC4243 Atomic and Molecular Physics II
  • PC4246 Quantum Optics

[*] Projects are approved by default if proposed by:

Notice that some of those are not members of the Physics Department: in that case, a co-supervisor from the Department will have to be found. Projects proposed by supervisors that are not in this list will have to be vetted on a case-by-case basis.

Course LevelMajor RequirementsCumulative Units
Compulsory Courses
  • PC4228 Device physics for Quantum Technology
  • PC4199 Honours Project in Physics, on a related subject [*]
One Course
  • PC3233 Atomic and Molecular Physics I,
  • PC3288 Advanced UROPS in Physics I, on a related subject [*]
  • PC4230 Quantum Mechanics III
  • PC4243 Atomic and Molecular Physics II
  • PC4246 Quantum Optics

[*] Projects are approved by default if proposed by:

Notice that some of those are not members of the Physics Department: in that case, a co-supervisor from the Department will have to be found. Projects proposed by supervisors that are not in this list will have to be vetted on a case-by-case basis.

For more information and queries on this specialisation, please contact: Prof Valerio Scarani (physv@nus.edu.sg