Meng-Chwan TAN
PhD, National University of Singapore (2007)
Associate Professor

Office: S12-02-02
Tel: +65 6516 5376

Current Research

  • M-theory, string theory, quantum field theory, and their deep implications for contemporary mathematics.
  • Emergent spacetime in quantum theories of gravity.

Selected Publications

  • ”Unifying Lattice Models, Links and Quantum Geometric Langlands via Branes in String Theory” by M.-C. Tan and M. Ashwinkumar, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, vol. 24 issue 7, [arXiv:1910.01134]
  • “Higher AGT Correspondences, W-algebras, and Higher Quantum Geometric Langlands Duality from M-Theory” by M.-C. Tan, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, vol. 22, issue 2, [arXiv:1607.08330].
  • “M-Theoretic Derivations of 4d-2d Dualities: From a Geometric Langlands Duality for Surfaces, to the AGT Correspondence, to Integrable Systems” by M.-C. Tan, Journal of High Energy Physics, issue. 7, no. 171, 2013, [arXiv:1301.1977].
  • “Supersymmetric Surface Operators, Four-Manifold Theory And Invariants In Various Dimensions” by M.-C. Tan, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, vol. 15, issue 1, [arXiv:1006.3313].
  • “Two-Dimensional Twisted Sigma Models And The Theory of Chiral Differential Operators” by M.-C. Tan, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, vol. 10, issue 6, [arXiv:0604179].

Affiliations & Links