Mankei TSANG
PhD, California Institute of Technology, USA (2006)
Associate Professor

Office: E4-05-29
Tel: +65 6601 2340

Current Research

  • Quantum Metrology, Quantum Optics, Superresolution

Selected Publications

  • Mankei Tsang, “Poisson Quantum Information,” Quantum 5, 527 (2021).
  • Mankei Tsang, Francesco Albarelli, and Animesh Datta, “Quantum Semiparametric Estimation,” Physical Review X 10, 031023 (2020).
  • Mankei Tsang, “Resolving starlight: a quantum perspective,” Contemporary Physics 60, 279 (2019).
  • Mankei Tsang, Ranjith Nair, and Xiao-Ming Lu, “Quantum Theory of Superresolution for Two Incoherent Optical Point Sources,” Physical Review X 6, 031033 (2016).

Affiliations & Links

  • Joint appointment with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • NRF Fellow (Class of 2011)
  • Quantum Measurement Group