PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (2006)
Associate Professor

Office: S15-02-02
Tel: +65 6516 5629

Current Research

  • Our lab uses single trapped ions to address problems in quantum information processing, quantum thermodynamics, and precision measurements. We explore how control and manipulation of motional states can be used for quantum computing and quantum simulations, build small heat machines that consist of only a few atoms and study their performance in the regime where quantum effects become important.

Experimental setup.

Selected Publications

  • J Gan, G. Maslennikov, K. W. Tseng, C.H. Nguyen, D. Matsukevich “Hybrid Quantum Computing with Conditional Beam Splitter Gate in Trapped Ion System” Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 170502 (2020).
  • G. Maslennikov, S. Ding, R. Hablutzel, J Gan, A.Roulet, S. Nimmrichter, J. Dai, V. Scarani, D. Matsukevich, “Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions” Nature Communications 10, 202 (2019).
  • S. Ding, G. Maslennikov, R. Hablutzel, D. Matsukevich “Quantum Simulations with a Trilinear Hamiltonian” Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 130502 (2018).
  • S. Ding, G. Maslennikov, R. Hablutzel, D. Matsukevich, “Cross-Kerr nonlinearity for phonon counting” Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 193602 (2017).
  • S. Ding, H.Loh, R. Hablutzel, M. Gao, G. Maslennikov, D. Matsukevich “Microwave control of trapped-ion motion assisted by a running optical lattice” Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 073002 (2014).

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