All charges refer to daily costs (10 hour day) of running an experiment using a CIBA beam line and accelerator:

External Projects where the results are confidential or no joint publication is expected. S$4000 per day, including set-up Setting up and running experiment: Data analysed and (confidential) report written.
External collaborative projects ie projects involving groups outside the NUS where any results are expected to be jointly published as a research paper. S$2000 per day, including set-up Setting up and running experiment: Data analysed jointly between collaborators.
Physics internal (NUS) collaborative projects where the results are expected to be jointly published as a research paper. S$2000 per day, including set-up Setting up and running experiment: Data analysed jointly between collaborators.
Training for PhD students who are attached to CIBA and are supervised by a CIBA group leader. For projects that have running costs allocated via a grant: 2k S$ per day; For projects not yet funded: No charge.
Pilot experiments: Short exploratory projects which are expected to have a reasonable chance of producing funded collaborative projects in the future. No Charge All pilot experiments to be vetted by the relevant CIBA group leader for viability.
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