

A/Prof. Jeroen A. van KAN

Director of CIBA
Principal Investigator

Email: phyjavk
Office: S13-02-02
Tel: +65 6516 6978

# Next Generation Ion Sources
# Micro and Nanofabrication
# Nanoimprinting
# Single DNA on Lab-on-Chip Devices
# Materials Modification

A/Prof van Kan graduated from the University of Amsterdam in 1992 before obtaining his PhD from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 1996. He joined the NUS as a researcher where he currently serves as an Associate Professor. In 2022, he was awarded The Long Service Medal from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), having dedicated more than two decades in academia.

In 2023, he became the Director of CIBA, taking over from A/Prof Thomas Osipowicz. He also currently serves as the Vice-President of the Microscopy Society of Singapore and the Deputy Director of the Engineering Science Programme in NUS.



Prof. Mark B. H. BREESE

Director of SSLS
Principal Investigator

Email: phymbhb
Office: S12-03-17
Tel: +65 6516 7930

# Accelerator Physics
# Silicon Photonics
# X-ray Physics

A/Prof. Andrew A. BETTIOL

Principal Investigator

Email: a.bettiol
Office: S12-03-13
Tel: +65 6516 4138

# Nuclear Microscopy
# Materials Modification
# Radiobiology
# Proton Beam Therapy

A/Prof. Thomas OSIPOWICZ

Former Director of CIBA
Principal Investigator

Email: phyto
Office: S12-03-10
Tel: +65 6516 6745

# Nuclear Microscopy
# Ion Spectroscopy
# Radiobiology
# Proton Beam Therapy


Dr. CHAN Taw Kuei

Senior Lecturer

Email: phyctk
Office: S12-03-16
Tel: +65 6516 4149


Research Fellows

Dr. CHEN Ce-Belle

Senior Research Fellow (SSLS)

Email: c-chen

Dr. REN Minqin

Senior Research Fellow

Email: phyrenmq

Dr. ZHENG Minrui

Senior Research Fellow


Dr. DOU Yanxin

Research Fellow

Email: douyanxin

Dr. LIANG Haidong

Research Fellow

Email: haidong

Dr. YANG Chengyuan

Research Fellow

Email: phyyac

Research Associates

Mr. Badri Narayanan RAVICHANDRAN

Research Associate

Email: badrinr

Research Assistants

Mr. CAO Yangbin

Research Assistant

Email: phycayn


Research Assistant

Email: phylak

Mr. PANG Rudy

Research Assistant
PhD Student

Email: phypry

Mr. Jeff Bernard Esguerra TISTON

Research Assistant

Email: jtiston

Page last updated 4 September 2024