1. Ruiyun He, Sudheer Kumar Vanga, Andrew A. Bettiol, Feng Chen, Focused ion-beam writing of channel waveguides in BGO crystal for telecommunication bands, Optical Engineering 54 (5) 057108 (2015)
  2. Yang Tan, Zhen Shang, Sudheer Kumar Vanga, Andrew A. Bettiol, and Feng Chen, High-gain optical waveguide amplifier based on proton beam writing of Nd:YAG crystal Optics Express 23(11):14612, May 2015
  3. Manukumara Manjappa, Sher Yi Chiam, Longqing Cong, Andrew Anthony Bettiol, Weili Zhang and Ranjan Singh, Tailoring the slow light behavior in terahertz metasurfaces, Applied Physics Letters 106 181101 (2015)
  4. Sudheer Kumar Vanga and A. A. Bettiol. Proton beam writing of dye doped polymer microlasers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms B 348 (2015) 209-212
  5. Sudheer Kumar Vanga, Venkatram Nalla and A. A. Bettiol. Polymer microlasers with a suspended cavity design. Optical Materials 42 (2015) 144-147


  1. Ee Jin Teo, Noriaki Toyoda, Chengyuan Yang, Bing Wang, Nan Zhang, Andrew Anthony Bettiol, and Jinghua Tenga, Sub-30 nm thick plasmonic films and structures with ultralow loss, Nanoscale 6 (6) (2014) 3243-3249
  2. Qiang An, Chen Cheng, Sudheer Vanga Kumar Andrew Bettiol and Feng Chen, Proton beam writing of chalcogenide glass: A new approach for fabrication of channel waveguides at telecommunication O and C bands, Journal of Lightwave Technology 32 (2014) 3763-3767
  3. Ee Jin Teo, Noriaki Toyoda, Chengyuan Yang, Andrew A. Bettiol and Jing Hua Teng, Nanoscale smoothing of plasmonic films and structures using gas cluster ion beam irradiation, Applied Physics A 117 (2) (2014) 719-723


  1. Vanga Sudheer Kumar, Shuvan Prashant Turaga, Ee Jin Teo, Andrew A. Bettiol, Fabrication of optical microresonators using proton beam writing, Microelectronic Engineering 102 (2013) 33-35
  2. Jun Deng, Sajid Hussain, Vanga Sudheer Kumar, Wei Jia, Ching Eng Png, Lim Soon Thor, Andrew A. Bettiol, and Aaron J. Danner, Modeling and experimental investigations of Fano resonances in free-standing LiNbO3 photonic crystal slabs, Optics Express 21 (2013) 3243-3252
  3. A. A. Bettiol, S. P. Turaga, Y. Yan, S. K. Vanga, and S. Y. Chiam, Three-dimensional metamaterials fabricated using proton beam writing, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B 306 (2013) 271-274.
  4. S. K. Vanga and A. A. Bettiol, Proton beam writing of three-dimensional microcavities, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B B 306 (2013) 281-283.
  5. Jun Deng, Vanga S. Kumar, Hongwei Gao, Ching Eng J. Png, Ning Xiang, Andrew A. Bettiol, Aaron J. Danner, Free-standing monolithic LiNbO3 photonic crystal slabs, Proc. SPIE. 8632, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures III 86320H (February 21, 2013)
  6. Yicun Yao, Feng Chen, Sudheer Kumar Vanga, A. A. Bettiol, Chao Zhan, Proton or Helium ion beam written channel waveguides in Nd:YAG ceramics, Optical Materials 35 (2013) 2257-2260
  7. Ng, BH, Wu, JF, Hanham, SM, Fernandez-Dominguez, AI, Klein, N ,Liew, YF, Breese, MBH, Hong, MH and Maier, SA, Spoof Plasmon Surfaces: A Novel Platform for THz Sensing Advanced Optical Materials 1 (2013) 543-548
  8. Jianfeng Wu, Binghao Ng, Shuvan P. Turaga, Mark B. H. Breese, Stefan A. Maier, Minghui Hong, Andrew A. Bettiol, and Herbert O. Moser. Free-standing terahertz chiral meta-foils exhibiting strong optical activity and negative refractive index. Applied Physics Letters 103 (2013)
  9. Jianfeng Wu, Herbert O. Moser, Su Xu, Linke Jian, Agnieszka Banas, Krzysztof Banas, Hongsheng Chen, Andrew A. Bettiol, and Mark B. H. Breese, Functional multi-band thz meta-foils, Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 3531


  1. C. Y. Yang, E. J. Teo, T. Goh, S. L. Teo, J. H. Teng, and A.A. Bettiol, Metal-assisted photonic mode for ultrasmall bending with long propagation length at visible wavelengths, Optics Express 20 (2012) 23898-23905
  2. Ningning Dong, Yicun Yao, Yuechen Jia, Feng Chen, Sudheer Kumar Vanga, Andrew Anthony Bettiol, Qingming Lu, Buried channel waveguides in KTiOPO4 nonlinear crystal fabricated by focused He+ beam writing, Optical Materials 35 (2012) 184-186
  3. Sudheer Kumar Vanga, Shuvan Prashant Turaga, Ee Jin Teo, and Andrew Bettiol, Optical microcavities fabricated using direct proton beam writing, Proc. SPIE 8249, 824918 (2012)
  4. Andrew A. Bettiol, Yuanjun Yan, Ee Jin Teo, Hendrix Tanoto, and Jinghua Teng, Radio frequency plasma pre-treatment for selective electroless Ag coating of three-dimensional SU-8 microstructures, Proc. SPIE 8249, 824916 (2012)


  1. Guangyuan Si, Aaron J. Danner, Siew Lang Teo, Ee Jin Teo, Jinghua Teng, and Andrew A. Bettiol, Photonic crystal waveguides with ultra-high aspect ratio in lithium niobate fabricated by focused ion beam milling, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 29(2011) 021205
  2. Siew-Kit Hoi, Xiao Chen, Vanga S. Kumar, Sureerat Homhuan, Chorng-Haur Sow and Andrew A. Bettiol, A microfluidic chip with integrated colloidal crystal for online optical analysis, Advanced Functional Materials 21 (2011) 2847-2853
  3. A. Benayas, , Ningning Dong, Feng Chen, A. A. Bettiol, D. Jaque, Thermal optimization and erasing of Nd:YAG proton beam written waveguides, Optics Letters 36(2011) 3278-3280
  4. Yicun Yao, Ningning Dong, Feng Chen, Sudheer Kumar Vanga and Andrew Anthony Bettiol, Proton beam writing of Nd:GGG crystals as new waveguide laser sources, Optics Letters 36 (2011) 4173-4175
  5. Yuanjun Yan, M. Ibnur Rashad, Ee Jin Teo, Hendrix Tanoto, Jinghua Teng and Andrew A. Bettiol, Selective electroless silver plating of three dimensional SU-8 microstructures on silicon for metamaterials applications, Optical Materials Express 1 (2011) 1548-1554


  1. Guangyuan Si, Ee Jin Teo, Andrew A. Bettiol, Jinghua Teng, and Aaron J. Danner, Suspended slab and photonic crystal waveguides in lithium niobate, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B28 (2010) 316-320
  2. Sher-Yi Chiam, Ranjan Singh, Weili Zhang, and Andrew A Bettiol, Controlling metamaterial resonances via dielectric and aspect ratio effects, Applied Physics Letters 97 (2010) 191906
  3. Yicun Yao, Yang Tan, Ningning Dong, Feng Chen, and Andrew A. Bettiol, Continuous wave laser oscillations in Nd:YAG channel waveguides produced by focused proton beam writing, Optics Express 18 (2010) 24516
  4. A. Benayas, D. Jaque, Yicun Yao, Feng Chen, A. A. Bettiol, A. Rodenas, and A. K. Kar, Three dimensional micro-structuring of Nd:YAG crystals by proton beam writing, Optics Letters 35 (2010) 3898


  1. S. Y. Chiam, Ranjan Singh, Jianqiang Gu, Jiaguang Han, Weli Zhang and A. A. Bettiol, Increased frequency shifts in high aspect ratio terahertz split ring resonators, Applied Physics Letters 94 (2009) 064102
  2. A.A. Bettiol, S.Y. Chiam, E.J. Teo, C. Udalagama, S.F. Chan, S.K. Hoi, J.A. van Kan, M.B.H. Breese, F. Watt, Advanced applications in microphotonics using proton beam writing, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B 267 (2009) 2280-2284
  3. Sher-Yi Chiam, Ranjan Singh, Carsten Rockstuhl,Weili Zhang, Falk Lederer and A.A. Bettiol,
    Analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency in a terahertz metamaterial,
    Physical Review B 80 (2009) 153103


  1. Venugopal Rao, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Characterization of channel waveguides and tunable microlasers in SU8 doped with Rhodamine B fabricated using proton beam writing, Journal of Physics D: Aplied Physics 41 (2008) 192002
  2. Sher-Yi Chiam, Jiaguang Han, Rajan Singh, Weili Zhang, Thomas Osipowicz and Andrew A. Bettiol, Spectral Properties of Thick Split Ring Resonators in the THz regime, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6893, 68930A, (2008)
  3. C. N. B. Udalagama, S. F. Chan, S. Homhuan, A. A. Bettiol, T. Wohland and F. Watt, Fabrication of integrated channel waveguides in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) using proton beam writing (PBW): Applications for Fluorescence detection in micro Fluidic channels, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6882, 68820D, (2008)


  1. A.A. Bettiol, C.N.B. Udalagama, E.J. Teo, J.A. van Kan and F. Watt, Embedded photonic structures fabricated in photosensitive glass using proton beam writing, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 357-361
  2. R.K. Dutta, J.A. van Kan, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Polymer microlens replication by Nanoimprint Lithography using proton beam fabricated Ni stamp, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 464-467
  3. S. Venugopal Rao, A.A. Bettiol, K.C. Vishnubhatl, S.N.B. Bhakth, D.Narayana Rao, and F. Watt, Fabrication and characterization of microcavity lasers in Rhodamine B doped SU8 using high energy proton beam, Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 101115


  1. A. A. Bettiol, S. Venugopal Rao, E.J. Teo, J. A. van Kan and Frank Watt, Fabrication of buried channel waveguides in photosensitive glass using proton beam writing, Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 171106
  2. A. A. Bettiol, E.J. Teo, C.N.B. Udalagama, S. Venugopal Rao J. A. van Kan, P. Shao and F. Watt, Integrating photonic and microfluidic structures on a device fabricated using proton beam writing, Proceedings of SPIE 6186 (2006) 61860F
  3. A. A. Bettiol, S. Venugopal Rao, T.C. Sum, J.A. van Kan, F. Watt, Fabrication of optical waveguides using proton beam writing, Journal of Crystal Growth 288 (2006) 209-212
  4. F.C. Cheong, C.H. Sow, A.T.S. Wee, P. Shao, A. A. Bettiol, J. A. van Kan, F. Watt, Optical travelator: Transport and Sorting of Colloidal Microspheres with Line Optical Tweezers, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 83 (2006) 121-125
  5. T.C. Sum, A.A. Bettiol, C. Florea and F. Watt, Proton Beam Writing of Poly-methylmethacrylate Buried Channel Waveguides, Journal of Lightwave Technology (2006) 3803-3809


  1. T. C. Sum, A. A. Bettiol, J. A. van Kan, S. Venugopal Rao, F. Watt, K. Liu and E. Y. B. Pun, Direct imaging of the end-of-range and surface profiles of proton-beam written erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers by atomic force microscopy, Journal of Applied Physics 98 (2005) 033533
  2. A.A. Bettiol, T.C. Sum, F.C. Cheong, C.H. Sow, S. Venugopal Rao, J.A. van Kan, E.J. Teo, K. Ansari, F. Watt, A progress review of proton beam writing applications in microphotonics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 231 (2005) 364-371
  3. T.C. Sum , A.A. Bettiol, K. Liu, M.Q. Ren, E.Y.B. Pun, S. Venugopal Rao, J.A. van Kan, F. Watt, Proton beam writing of erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 231 (2005) 394-399


  1. K. Liu, E. Y. B. Pun, T.C. Sum, A. A. Bettiol, J. A. van Kan and F. Watt, Erbium doped waveguide amplifiers fabricated using focused proton beam direct-writing, Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004) 684-686
  2. Andrew A. Bettiol, Kambiz Ansari, Tze Chien Sum, Jeroen A. van Kan and Frank Watt, Fabrication of micro-optical components in polymer using proton beam writing, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5347 (2004) 255-263
  3. T. C. Sum, A. A. Bettiol, S. Venugopal Rao, J. A. van Kan, A. Ramam and F. Watt, Proton Beam Writing of Passive Polymer Optical Waveguides, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5347 (2004) 160-169
  4. C.H. Sow, A.A. Bettiol, Y.Y.G. Lee, F.C. Cheong, C.T. Lim and F. Watt, Multiple spots optical tweezers created with microlens array fabricated by proton beam writing, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 78 (2004) 705-709
  5. T. C. Sum, A. A. Bettiol, H. L. Seng, J. A. van Kan, and F. Watt, Direct measurement of proton-beam-written polymer optical waveguide sidewall morphorlogy using an atomic force microscope, Applied Physics Letters 85 (2004) 1398-1400


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