- N. Liu, X. Xu, R. Pang, P. S. Raman, A. Khursheed and J. A. van Kan, Development and brightness measurement of an electron impact gas ion source for proton beam writing applications, Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (2016) 02A903-1
- F Liu, Y Yao, JA van Kan, OrmoStamp mold fabrication via PBW for NIL, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B348 (2015) 229-232
- Y Yao, JA van Kan, Automatic beam focusing in the 2nd generation PBW line at sub-10 nm line resolution, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B348 (2015)
- N. Liu; P. Santhana Raman, X. Xu; H. M. Tan; A. Khursheed, J. A. van Kan, Development of ion sources: towards high brightness for proton beam writing applications, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B348 (2015) 23-28
- Y. Yao, P. Santhana Raman, J. A. van Kan, Orthogonal and fine lithographic structures attained from the next generation proton beam writing facility, Microsyst Technol, 20 (2014) 2065-2069.
- YH Wang, P Malar and JA van Kan, Resist evaluation for proton beam writing, Ni mold fabrication and nano-replication, Microsyst Technol, 20 (2014) 2079-2088
- J.A. van Kan, P. Malar, Y.H. Wang, Resist materials for proton beam writing: a review, Applied Surface Science, 310 (2014) 100-111.
- Fan Liu, Kheng Boon Tan, P. Malar, S.K. Bikkarolla, J. A. van Kan, Fabrication of nickel molds using proton beam writing for micro/nano fluidic devices, Microelectronic Engineering 102, 36 (2013)
- Yong Yao, Martin W. van Mourik, P. Santhana Raman, Jeroen A. van Kan, Improved beam spot measurements in the 2nd generation proton beam writing system, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B306 (2013) 265-270.
- Y.H. Wang, P.P. Malar, J. Zhao, J.A. van Kan, Resist Evaluation for Ni Mold Fabrication and Proton Beam Writing, Microelectronic Engineering, 102 (2013) 40-43.
- J.A. van Kan A.A. Bettiol, Editorial, Microelectronic Engineering, 102 (2013) 1.
- J. A. van Kan, P. Malar, and Armin Baysic de Vera, The second generation Singapore high resolution proton beam writing facility, Review of Scientific Instrumnets 83, 02B902 (2012)
- P. Malara, Zhao Jianhong, J.A. van Kan, Fabrication of metallic stamps for injection moulding applications by combining proton beam writing and UV lithography, Applied Surface Science 258 (2012) 4191?4194
- J. A. van Kan, P. G. Shao, Y. H. Wang and P. Malar, Proton beam writing a platform technology for high quality three dimensional metal mold fabrication for nanofluidic applications, Microsystem Technologies (2011) 17:1519-1527
- Chammika Udalagama, E.J. Teo, S.F. Chan, V.S. Kumar, A.A. Bettiol, F. Watt, Proton beam writing of long, arbitrary structures for micro/nano photonics and fluidics applications, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B 269 (2011) 2417-2421
- J.A. van Kan, P. Malar, Armin Baysic De Vera, Chen Xiao, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt Proton beam writing nanoprobe facility design and first test results, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 645 (2011) 113-115
- Yong Yao, Martin W. van Mourik, P. Santhana Raman, Jeroen A. van Kan, Improved beam spot measurements in the 2nd generation proton beam writing system, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B306 (2013) 265-270.
- Liu Nan Nan, Shao Peige, Shripad R. Kulkarni, Zhao Jianhong and Jeroen A van Kan, Nickel Injection Mould Fabrication via Proton Beam Writing and UV Lithography, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 447-448 (2010) pp 188-192
- Shao Peige, Jeroen A van Kan, Frank Watt, Sub Micron Poly-Dimethyl Siloxane (PDMS) Replication Using Proton Beam Fabricated Nickel Moulds, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 447-448 (2010) pp 452-455
- L.P. Wang, P.G. Shao, J.A. van Kan, A.A. Bettiol, F. Watt, Development of elastomeric lab-on-a-chip devices through Proton Beam Writing (PBW) based fabrication strategies, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B 267 (2009) 2312-2316
- S. Bolhuis, J.A. van Kan, F. Watt, Enhancement of proton beam writing in PMMA through optimization of the development procedure, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B 267 (2009) 2302-2305
- S. Gorelick, F. Zhang, P.G. Shao, J.A. van Kan, Harry J. Whitlow, F. Watt, Proton beam written hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) nanostructures for Nickel electroplating, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B 267 (2009) 2309-2311
- S. Gorelick, F. Zhang, J.A. van Kan, H.J. Whitlow, F. Watt, Adhesion of proton beam written high aspect ratio hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) nanostructures on different metallic substrates, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B. Volume 267 (2009) 3314-3318.
- Weisheng Yue, Yaping Ren, Jeroen Anton van Kan, Sher-Yi Chiam, Linke Jian, Herbert O. Moser, Thomas Osipowicz, Frank Watt, Proton beam writing and electroplating for the fabrication of high-aspect-ratio Au microstructures, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B Volume 267 (2009) 2376-2380
- C. Zhang, P.G. Shao, J.A. van Kan and J.R.C. van der Maarel, Macromolecular crowding induced elongation and compaction of single DNA molecules confined in a nanochannel, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, Volume 106 (2009) 16651-16656.
- C. Udalagama, A. A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Stocastic spatial energy deposition profiles for MeV protons and keV electrons, Physical Review B 80 (2009) 224107
- J. A. van Kan, F. Zhang, S. Y. Chiam, T. Osipowicz, A. A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Proton beam writing: a platform technology for nanowire production, Microsystem Technologies (2008) 14:1343-1348
- J. A. van Kan, F. Zhang, C. Zhang, A. A. Bettiol, F. Watt, Exposure parameters in proton beam writing for hydrogen silsesquioxane, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266 (2008) 1676-1679
- M. Chatzichristidi, E. Valamontes, P. Argitis, I. Raptis, J. A. van Kan, F. Zhang, F. Watt, High aspect ratio micro/nano machining with proton beam writing on aqueous developable – easily stripped negative chemically-amplified resists, Microelectronic Engineering 85 (2008) 945-948
- Weisheng Yue, Sher-Yi Chiam, Yaping Ren, Jeroen Anton van Kan, Thomas Osipowicz, Linke Jian, Herbert O Moser and FrankWatt, The Fabrication of X-Ray Masks using Proton Beam Writing, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 18 (Aug 2008) 085010
- Evangelos Valamontes, Margarita Chatzichristidi, Nikolaos Tsikrikas, Dimitrios Goustouridis, Ioannis Raptis, Constantinos Potiriadis, Jeroen A. van Kan, and Frank Watt, Realization and Simulation of High-Aspect-Ratio Micro/Nanostructures by Proton Beam Writing, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 47 (2008) 8600?605
- Ce Zhang, Fang Zhang, Jeroen A. van Kan, and Johan R. C. van der Maarel, Effects of electrostatic screening on the conformation of single DNA molecules confined in a nanochannel, The Journal of Chemical Physics 128 (2008) 225109.
- H. L. Zhou, P. G. Shao, S. J. Chua, J. A. van Kan, A. A. Bettiol, T. Osipowicz, K. F. Ooi, G. K. L. Goh, and F. Watt, Selective Growth of ZnO Nanorod Arrays on a GaN/Sapphire Substrate Using a Proton Beam Written Mask, Crystal Growth and Design 8 (2008) 4445-4448.
- J.A. van Kan, F. Zhang, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Proton Beam Writing: a Platform Technology for Nano-integration, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6921, 69210K, (2008)
- F. Watt, M. B. H. Breese , A. A. Bettiol and J. A. van Kan, Proton Beam Writing, Materials Tohttps://www.physics.nus.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2020/03/pbw2007_1.pdfday 10 (2007) 20
- J. A. van Kan, P. G. Shao, K. Ansari, A. A. Bettiol, T. Osipowicz and F. Watt, Proton Beam Writing: A Tool for High-Aspect Ratio Mask Production, Microsystem Technologies 13 (2007) 431-434
- J.A. van Kan, L.P. Wang, P.G. Shao, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, High aspect ratio PDMS replication through proton beam fabricated Ni masters, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 353-356
- P.G. Shao, J.A. van Kan, L.P. Wang, K. Ansari, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Rapid prototyping of micro/nano poly (methyl methacrylate) fluidic systems using proton beam writing, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 362-365
- C.N.B. Udalagama, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, A Monte Carlo study of the extent of proximity effects in e-beam and p-beam writing of PMMA, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 384-389
- C.N.B. Udalagama, A.A. Bettiol, J.A. van Kan, E.J. Teo and F. Watt, The rapid secondary electron imaging system of the proton beam writer at CIBA, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 390-395
- J.A. van Kan, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Hydrogen silsesquioxane a next generation resist for proton beam writing at the 20 nm level, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 396-399
- L.P. Wang, P.G. Shao, J.A. van Kan, K. Ansari, A.A. Bettiol, X.T. Pan, T. Wohland and F. Watt, Fabrication of nanofluidic devices utilizing proton beam writing and thermal bonding techniques, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 450-454
- S.Y. Chiam, J.A. van Kan, T. Osipowicz, C.N.B. Udalagama and F. Watt, Sidewall quality in proton beam writing, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 455-459
- J.A. van Kan, A.A. Bettiol, S.Y. Chiam, M.S.M. Saifullah, K.R.V. Subramanian, M.E. Welland and F. Watt, New resists for proton beam writing, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 460-463
- F. Zhang, J.A. van Kan, S.Y. Chiam and F. Watt, Fabrication of free standing resolution standards using proton beam writing, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 474-478
- P.G. Shao, J.A. van Kan, K. Ansari, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Poly (dimethyl siloxane) micro/nanostructure replication using proton beam written masters, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 479-482
- Sergey Gorelick, Paavo Rahkila, A. Sagari A.R., Timo Sajavaara, Sulin Cheng, Lennart B. Karlsson, Jeroen A. van Kan and Harry J. Whitlow, Growth of osteoblasts on lithographically modified surfaces, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 260 (2007) 130-135
- P. G. Shao, J.A. Van Kan, L.P. Wang, K. Ansari, A.A Bettol, F. Watt, Fabrication of enclosed nano-channels in PMMA using proton beam writing and thermal bonding, Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 093515
- Jeroen A. van Kan, Andrew A. Bettiol and Frank Watt, Proton Beam Writing of 3D Nanostructures in Hydrogen SilsesQuioxane, Nano Letters 6 (2006) 579-582
- K. A. Mahabadi, I. Rodriguez, S. C. Haur, J. A. van Kan, A. A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Fabrication of PMMA micro- and nano-fluidic channels by proton beam writing: electrokinetic and morphological characterization, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 16 (2006) 1070-1080
- Kambiz Ansari Mahabadi, Jeroen Anton van Kan, Andrew Anthony Bettiol, and Frank Watt, Stamps for nanoimprint lithography fabricated by proton beam writing and nickel electroplating, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 16 (2006) 1967-1974
- F. Watt, A. A. Bettiol, J. A. van Kan, E. J. Teo and M. B. H. Breese, Ion Beam Lithography and Nanofabrication: A Review, International Journal of Nanoscience 4 (2005) 269-286
- K. Ansari, P.G. Shao, J.A. van Kan, A.A. Bettiol, F. Watt, Proton beam fabrication of nickel stamps for nanoimprint lithography, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 231 (2005) 407-412
- C.N.B. Udalagama, A.A. Bettiol, J.A. van Kan, E.J. Teo, M.B.H. Breese, T. Osipowicz, F. Watt, An automatic beam focusing system for MeV protons, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 231 (2005) 389-393
- J.A. van Kan, P.G. Shao, P. Molter, M. Saumer, A.A. Bettiol, T. Osipowicz, F. Watt, Fabrication of a free standing resolution standard for focusing MeV ion beams to sub 30 nm dimensions, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 231 (2005) 170-175
- A.A. Bettiol, C.N.B. Udalagama, J.A. van Kan, F. Watt, Ionscan: scanning and control software for proton beam writing, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 231 (2005) 400-406
- I. Rajta, E. Baradacs, A.A. Bettiol, I. Csige, K. T}okesi, L. Budai, A .Z. Kiss, Optimization of particle fluence in micromachining of CR-39, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 231 (2005) 384-388
- F. Zhang, F. Sun, J.A. van Kan, P.G. Shao, Z. Zheng, R.W. Ge, F. Watt, Measurement of cell motility on proton beam micromachined 3D scaffolds, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 231 (2005) 413-418
- P. Mistry, I. Gomez-Morilla, G.W. Grime, R.P. Webb, R. Gwilliam, A. Cansell, M. Merchant, K.J. Kirkby, E.J. Teo, M.B.H. Breese, A.A. Bettiol, D.J. Blackwood and F. Watt, New developments in the applications of proton beam writing, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B 237 (2005) 188-192
- J.A. Van Kan, A.A. Bettiol, K. Ansari, E.J. Teo, T.C. Sum and F. Watt, Proton beam writing: a progress review, International Journal of Nanotechnology 1 (2004) 464-479
- K. Ansari, J. A. van Kan, A. A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Fabrication of high aspect ratio 100 nm metallic stamps for nanoimprint lithography using proton beam writing, Applied Physics Letters 85 (2004) 476-478
- Sun, Feng; Casse, Didier; Van Kan, Jeroen Anton; Ge, Ruowen; Watt, Frank. Geometric Control of Fibroblast Growth on Proton Beam-Micromachined Scaffolds, Tissue Engineering (2004) 10 267-272
- J. A. van Kan, A. A. Bettiol, K. Ansari, P. Shao and F. Watt, Improvement in Proton Beam Writing at the nano scale, Proceedings of IEEE 200
- Harry J Whitlow, May Ling Ng, Vaida Auzelyte, Ivan Maximov, Lars Montelius, Jeroen A van Kan, Andrew A Bettiol and Frank Watt, Lithography of high spatial density biosensor structures with sub-100 nm spacing by megaelectronvolt proton beam writing with minimal proximity effect, Nanotechnology 15 (2004) 223-226
- J.A. van Kan, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Proton Beam Nano-Machining: End Station Design and Testing, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 777 T2.1.1
- J. A. van Kan, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Three dimensional nanolithography using proton beam writing, Applied Physics Letters 83 (2003) 1629-1631
- C.N.B Udalagama, A.A Bettiol, J.A. van Kan, and F. Watt, Dose Normalization for SU-8 in Proton Beam Micromachining using Ionoluminescence Detection, Nuclear Instruments & Methods B210 (2003) 256-259
- A.A. Bettiol, I. Rajta, E.J. Teo, J.A. van Kan and F. Watt, Proton beam micromachining: electron emission from SU-8 resist during ion beam irradiation, Nuclear Instruments & Methods B190, 2002, 154-159
- F. Watt, I. Rajta, J.A. van Kan, A.A. Bettiol and T. Osipowicz, Proton beam micromachined resolution standards for nuclear microprobes, Nuclear Instruments & Methods B190, 2002, 306-311
- J.A. van Kan, I. Rajita, K. Ansari, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, Nickel and copper electroplating of proton beam micromachined SU-8 resist, Microsystem Technologies 8 (2002) 383-385
- J. A. van Kan, I. Rajta, A.A. Bettiol and Frank Watt, Proton beam nano-machining: A new 3D nano lithographic technique, Proceedings of the 13th Micromechanics Europe Workshop (2002) page: 71-74
- J.A. van Kan, A.A. Bettiol, B.S. Wee, T.C. Sum, S.M. Tang and F. Watt, Proton beam micromachining: a new tool for precision three-dimensional microstructures, Sensors and Actuators A92(2001) 370-374
- A.A. Bettiol, J.A. van Kan, T.C. Sum and F. Watt, F., A LabVIEW-based scanning and control system for proton beam micromachining, Nuclear Instruments & Methods B181 (2001) 49-53
- J.A. van Kan, A.A. Bettiol and F. Watt, High precision 3D metallic microstructures produced using proton beam micromachining, Nuclear Instruments & Methods B181 2001 258-262
- J. A. van Kan, A. A. Bettiol, K. Ansari and F. Watt, Micromachining using a focused MeV proton beam for the production of high precision 3D microstructures with vertical sidewalls of high orthogonality, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4343 (2001) 466-472
- F.E.H. Tay, J.A. van Kan and F. Watt and W.O. Choong, A novel micro-machining method for the fabrication of thick-film SU-8 embedded micro-channels, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 11 (2001) 27-32
- J.A. van Kan, T.C. Sum,T. Osipowicz, and F. Watt, Sub 100 nm proton beam micromachining: theoretical calculations on resolution limits, Nuclear Instruments & Methods B161-163 (2000) 366
- J.A. van Kan, J.L. Sanchez, T. Osipowicz,and F. Watt, Proton micromachining: a new technique for the production of three-dimensional microstructures, Microsystem Technologies 6 (2000) 82
- T. Osipowicz, J.A. van Kan, T.C. Sum,J.L. Sanchez and F. Watt, The use of proton microbeams for the production of microcomponents, Nuclear Instruments & Methods B161-163 (2000) 83
- F. Watt, J.A. van Kan, T. Osipowicz, Three-dimensional microfabrication using maskless irradiation with MeV ion beams: proton-beam micromachining, MRS Bulletin 25 (2000) 33
- J.A. van Kan, J.L. Sanchez, B. Xu, T. Osipowicz and F. Watt., Micromachining using focused high energy ion beams: Deep Ion Beam Lithography, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B158 (1999) 1085-1089
- F. Watt, Focused high energy proton beam micromachining: A Perspective view, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B158 (1999) 165-172
- J.L. Sanchez, G. Guy, J.A. van Kan, T. Osipowicz and F. Watt, Proton micromachining of substrate scaffolds for celluar and tissue engineering, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B158 (1999) 185-189
- J.A. van Kan, J.L. Sanchez, B. Xu, T. Osipowicz and F. Watt, Resist materials for proton micromachining, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B158 (1999) 179-184
- J.L. Sanchez, J.A. van Kan, T. Osipowicz, S.V. Springham and F. Watt, A high resolution beam scanning system for deep ion beam lithography, Nuclear Instruments & Methods B136-138 (1998) 385-389
- S.V. Springham, T. Osipowicz, J.L. Sanchez, L.H. Gan and F. Watt, Micromachining using deep ion beam lithography, Nuclear Instruments & Methods B130 (1997) 155-159
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