Wormhole effects in quantum black hole physics

SpeakerProf Douglas Stanford, Stanford University (New Horizons in Physics Laureate)
HostLee Ching Hua
Date/TimeWednesday, 21 September 2022, 10:00 AM
Zoom Registration link


A powerful idea in theoretical physics is the conjecture that (from a distance) black holes behave like ordinary quantum systems. Thought of in this way, black holes display many deep quantum phenomena in simple but often surprising ways. We will discuss recent work involving wormholes that gives new examples of this and also uncovers new puzzles.


Douglas Stanford is an Associate Professor at Stanford University. He works on quantum gravity and its connection to quantum mechanics, mostly in the context of black hole physics. He got his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 2014. From 2014-2019 he worked at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton as a post-doctoral researcher. Stanford was awarded the 2018 New Horizons in Physics Prize for work on improving the understanding of quantum mechanics of black holes via chaos theory.

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