
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion in Physics

Our Vision

EDIphy is committed to improving equity, diversity, and inclusion in physics within the NUS and across larger physics communities. We aim to create a respectful and supportive environment where all our members have the opportunities to thrive.

Intersectional mentality

Barriers tied to social identity groups are interconnected, we must adopt an intersectional approach to ensure no one is left behind.

Diverse Perspectives

We need to draw on talent, insights, and experiences from all parts of society to solve the complex challenges of today’s world.

Active Engagement

It calls for intentional and collective efforts from all members of the community to understand, practice, promote, and grow EDI.

What We Do

Build  a foundation of knowledge and skills relevant to practicing and promoting EDI by sharing educational resources.

Catalyze  fruitful conversations in our community on how we can build a more diverse and inclusive environment in physics.

Cultivate  meaningful connections between people from different social identities and experiences to break barriers and unconscious biases.

Augment  existing knowledge and efforts on promoting EDI through speaker series and dialogues with champions in this space.

Empower  underrepresented communities in physics through networking, support groups, and action groups.

Get Involved!

EDIphy is taking its baby steps at the moment and it will take a village to help it flourish. If you wish to be part of this journey with us to bring positive change and a more inclusive physics community, please let us know here!

You can join us as one of the founding EXCO Committee members, or an occasional volunteer to help out at some of our upcoming events, or simply just talk to us and share your stories and perspectives!

Frequently Asked Questions

Based on the definition from Institute of Physics:

Equity refers to giving people the resources they need to thrive.

Diversity refers to the different elements of us and our backgrounds which make us who we are.

Inclusion refers to ensuring individuals from diverse backgrounds and lifestyles are meaningfully included in activities, discussions, and decisions.

A diverse and inclusive environment benefits everyone, not just the underrepresented groups! It makes us happier, more innovative, and helps us grow both as individuals and as a community. Through EDIphy, we hope to connect the members of community so that we can learn, have fun, and thrive, together!

There are many ways to support EDIphy! If you have the appetite, you can join us in EXCO members or volunteers. It can also be as simple as starting conversations with your peers about diversity and inclusion matters, paying attention to the presence of unconscious bias in our environment, or just being a source of support for a friend who is struggling. Every action, no matter how small, counts!

Contact Us!