Murray Douglas BARRETT
PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga, USA (2002)
Associate Professor
Email: phybmd@nus.edu.sg
Office: S15-01-11
Tel: +65 6516 2983
Current Research
- Dr. Barrett’s research focuses on high precision metrology and the advancement optical atomic clocks. The CQT clock is based on singly-ionized lutetium, which provides three suitable clock transitions within the one atom. Two of these transitions have favourable systematics compared to world-leading clock systems. His group hopes to further clock performance with a multi-ion system to improve clock stability.
Selected Publications
- R Kaewuam, TR Tan, KJ Arnold, SR Chanu, Zhiqiang Zhang, and MD Barrett. Hyperfine averaging by dynamic decoupling in a multi-ion lutetium clock. Physical review letters, 124(8):083202, 2020.
- Kyle J Arnold, Rattakorn Kaewuam, Sapam R Chanu, Ting Rei Tan, Zhiqiang Zhang, and Murray D Barrett. Precision measurements of the 138Ba+ 6s 2S1/2 – 5d 2D5/2 clock transition. Physical Review Letters, 124(19):193001, 2020.
- R Kaewuam, TR Tan, KJ Arnold, and MD Barrett. Spectroscopy of the 1S0 – 1D2 clock transition in 176Lu+. Physical Review A, 99(2):022514, 2019.
- Ting Rei Tan, Rattakorn Kaewuam, Kyle J Arnold, Sapam R Chanu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Marianna Safronova, and Murray D Barrett. Suppressing inhomogeneous broadening in a lutetium multi-ion optical clock. Phys. Rev. Lett., 123:063201, 2019.
- Kyle J Arnold, Rattakorn Kaewuam, Arpan Roy, Ting Rei Tan, and Murray D Barrett. Blackbody radiation shift assessment for a lutetium ion clock. Nature communications, 9(1):1650, 2018.