PhD, University of Salford, UK (1990)

Office: S12-03-17
Tel: +65 6516 7930

Current Research

  • My ion beam research activities are centred around the use of focused high-energy beams of charged particles as a means of modifying the properties of semiconductors. This work includes areas such as porous silicon formation, electrochemistry, ion optics, and ion channelling, accelerator physics. Much of the current work is on the use of silicon micromachining to fabricate micro- and nanoscale components for silicon photonics.
  • My Synchrotron research activities include X-ray lithography, X-ray optics, accelerator physics, soft X-ray scattering.

Selected Publications

  • B. Ong, M.A. Naradipa, A.D. Fauzi, M.A. Majidi, C.Z. Diao, S. Kurumi, P.K. Das, C. Xiao, P. Yang, M.B.H. Breese, S.W. Ong, K.M. Tan, E.S. Tok, A. Rusydi, “A New Spin-Correlated Plasmon in Novel Highly Oriented Single-Crystalline Gold Quantum Dots” Nanoletters 21 (18), 7448 (2021).
  • A.M. Banas, K. Banas, T.T.T. Chu, R. Naidu, P.E. Hutchinson, R. Agrawal, M.K.F. Lo, M. Kansiz, A. Roy, R. Chandramohanadas, M.B.H. Breese, Comparing infrared spectroscopic methods for the characterization of Plasmodium falciparum-infected human erythrocytes”, Communications Chemistry 4(1), 129 (2021).
  • R. Chua, J. Zhou, X.Y. Yu, W. Yu, J. Gou, R. Zhu, L. Zhang, M.Z. Liu, M.B.H. Breese, W. Chen, K.P. Loh, Y.P. Feng, M. Yang, Y.L. Huang, A.T.S. Wee, “Room Temperature Ferromagnetism of Monolayer Chromium Telluride with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy”, Advanced Materials, 33(42), 2103360 (2021).
  • C.I. Sathish, S. Premkumar, X.Z. Chu, X.Y. Yu, M.B.H. Breese, M. Al-Abri, A.H. Al-Muhtaseb, A. Karakoti, J.B. Yi, A. Vinu, “Microporous Carbon Nitride (C3N5.4) with Tetrazine based Molecular Structure for Efficient Adsorption of CO2 and Water” , Angewandte Chemie 60 (39) , 21242 (2021).
  • M.D. Ynsa, J. Ripoll-Sau, T. Osipowicz, M.B.H. Breese, M.N. Ren, “Micro-PIXE with 3.5 MeV protons for the study of low copper concentrations in atherosclerotic artery”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B497, 34 (2021).
  • M.Y. Li, B.H. Cai, R.M. Tian, X.Y. Yu, M.B.H. Breese, X.Z. Chu, Z.J. Han, S. Li, R. Joshi, A. Vinu, T. Wan, Z.M. Ao, J.B. Yi, D.W. Chu, “Vanadium doped 1T MoS2 nanosheets for highly efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution in both acidic and alkaline solutions” Chemical Engineering Journal 409, 128158 (2021).
  • Z.X. Feng, P.X. Qin, Y.L. Yang, H. Yan, H.X. Guo, X.N. Wang, X.R. Zhou, Y.Y. Han, J.B. Yi, D.C. Qi, X.Y. Yu, M.B.H. Breese, X. Zhang, H.J. Wu, H.Y. Chen, H.J. Xiang, C.B. Jiang, Z.Q. Liu, “A two-dimensional electron gas based on a 5s oxide with high room-temperature mobility and strain sensitivity”, Acta Materiala 204, 116516 (2021).
  • A. Chaudhuri, A. Chanda, X. Chi, X.Y. Yu, C.Z. Diao, M.B.H. Breese, R. Mahendiran, A. Rusydi, “Tunable Spin Correlated-Plasmons Ranging from Infrared to Ultraviolet in Pr0.6Sr0.4Co1-xMnxO3”, Physica Status Solidi 15(2) 2000257 (2021).

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