Peter HO
PhD, University of Cambridge, UK (1999)

Office: S7-03-13
Tel: +65 6516 8781

Current Research

  • Physics and technology of organic semiconductor devices (light-emitting diodes, field-effect transistors and solar cells)

Selected Publications

  • C.G. Tang, M.C.Y. Ang, K.K. Choo, V. Keerthi, J.K. Tan, M. Nur Syafiqah, T. Kugler, J.H. Burroughes, R.Q. Png, L.L. Chua, P.K.H. Ho, “Doped polymer semiconductors with ultrahigh and ultralow work functions for ohmic contact”, Nature 539, 536 (2016).
  • R.Q. Png, M.C.Y. Ang, M.H. Teo, K.K. Choo, C.G. Tang, D. Belaineh, L.L. Chua, P.K.H. Ho, “Madelung and Hubbard interactions in polaron band model of doped organic semiconductors”, Nat. Commun. 7, 11948 (2016).
  • B. Liu, R.Q. Png, J.K. Tan, and P.K.H. Ho, “Evaluation of built-in potential and loss mechanisms at contacts in organic solar cells: device model parameterisation, validation, and prediction”, Adv. Energy Mater. 4, 1200972 (2014).
  • B. Liu, R.Q. Png, L.H. Zhao, L.L. Chua, R.H. Friend, and P.K.H. Ho, “High internal quantum efficiency in fullerene solar cells based on crosslinked polymer donor networks”, Nat. Commun. 3, 1321 (2012).
  • R.Q. Png, P.J. Chia, J.C. Tang, B. Liu, S. Sivaramakrishnan, M. Zhou, S.H. Khong, H.S.O. Chan, J.H. Burroughes, L.L. Chua, R.H. Friend, and P.K.H. Ho, “High-performance polymer semiconducting heterostructure devices by nitrenes mediated photocrosslinking of alkyl side chains”, Nat. Mater. 9, 152 (2010).
  • M. Zhou, L.L. Chua, R.Q. Png, C.K. Yong, S. Sivaramakrishnan, P.J. Chia, A.T.S. Wee, R.H. Friend, and P.K.H. Ho, “Role of δ-hole-doped interfaces at ohmic contacts to organic semiconductors”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 036601 (2009).

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