PhD, University of Gdansk, Poland (2000)
Associate Professor

Email: phykd@nus.edu.sg
Office: S15-06-09
Tel: +65 6516 5622

Current Research

  • It has been recently shown that large systems in thermal equlibrium can be in entangled states even for large temperatures. I am interested in how entanglement, which is one of the most fundemental properties of quantum objects, can affect thermodynamic properties of such systems (magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity etc.).
  • I currently investigate a connection between entanglement and phase transitions (Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum phase transitions etc.).
  • I am also interested how to detect and quantify entanglement in quantum systems where the effects of Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics cannot be neglected (entanglement in Fock space).

Selected Publications

  • Quantum information approach to Bose-Einstein condensation of composite bosons, S-Y. Lee, J. Thompson, R. Sadegh et. al., New Journal of Physics 17, 113015 (2015).
  • Quantum phase estimation of a multi-headed cat state, S-Y Lee, C-W Nha; et. al., Journal of the Optical Society if America B-Optical Physics 6, 1186 (2015).
  • Entropic Test of Multipartite Nonlocality and State-Independent Contextuality, R. Sadegh, P. Kurzynski, D. Kaszlikowski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 200401 (2015).
  • Information-theoretic Bell inequalities based on Tsallis entropy, M. Wajs, P. Kurzynski, D. Kaszlikowski, Phys. Rev. A 91, 012114 (2015).
  • Comment on “Contextuality in Bosonic Bunching” Reply, P. Kurzynski, A. Soeda, J. Thompson, D. Kaszlikowski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 138902 (2014).
  • Unified approach to contextuality, nonlocality, and temporal correlations, M. Mankiewicz, P. Kurzynski, J. Thompson, S-Y. Lee, A. Soeda, D. Kaszlikowski, Phys. Rev. A 89, 042109 (2014).

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