LIM Hock
PhD, University of Reading, UK (1975)
Emeritus Professor
Email: phylimh@nus.edu.sg
Office: S12-02-01E
Tel: 65 6516 1641
Current Research
- Prof Lim Hock’s personal research interest are on the dynamics of atmosphere and ocean, image restoration, synthetic aperture radar imaging, and electromagnetic materials.
Selected Publications
- Theory for Mid-latitude Forcing of Tropical Motions during Winter Monsoons. Lim, H , CP Chang, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 38(11): 2377-2392 (1981).
- Dynamics of Teleconnections and Walker Circulations Forced by Equatorial Heating. Lim , H, CP Chang, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40(8): 1897-1915 (1983).
- Kelvin Wave-CISK – a Possible Mechanism for the 30-50 Day Oscillations. Chang, CP, Lim H, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 45(11): 1709-1720 (1988).