LOH Huanqian
PhD, University of Colorado, USA (2013)
President’s Assistant Professor
Email: phylohh@nus.edu.sg
Office: S14-03-07
Tel: +65 6601 6193
Current Research
- Advanced materials like superconductors have the potential to change energy transport as we know it. However, their dynamics on the microscopic scale remain poorly understood as they are difficult to simulate with classical computers.
- Our lab tackles this problem by using reconfigurable atom arrays, which can be controlled at the single-particle, single-quantum-state level and assembled like quantum Lego blocks to mimic these advanced materials by quantum simulation. We are pushing the frontiers of scaling up the number of quantum Lego blocks and inducing programmable interactions between them, so that we can study interesting quantum materials in the laboratory while working towards building scalable quantum computers.
Selected Publications
- W. Tian, W. J. Wee, A. Qu, B. J. M. Lim, P. R. Datla, V. P. W. Koh, and H. Loh, “Parallel assembly of arbitrary defect-free atom arrays with a multi-tweezer algorithm”, Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 034048 (2023).
- M. M. Aliyu, L. Zhao, X. Q. Quek, K. C. Yellapragada, and H. Loh, “D1 magic wavelength tweezers for scaling atom arrays”, Phys. Rev. Res. 3, 043059 (2021).
- Z. Z. Yan, J. W. Park, Y. Ni, H. Loh, S. Will, T. Karman, and M. W. Zwierlein, “Resonant dipolar collisions of ultracold molecules induced by microwave dressing”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 063041 (2020).
- J. W. Park, Z. Z. Yan, H. Loh, S. A. Will, and M. W. Zwierlein, “Second-scale nuclear spin coherence time of ultracold 23Na40K molecules”, Science 357, 372 (2017).
- H. Loh, K. C. Cossel, M. Grau, K. K. Ni, E. R. Meyer, J. L. Bohn, J. Ye, and E. A. Cornell, “Precision spectroscopy of polarized molecules in an ion trap”, Science 342, 1220 (2013).
Affiliations & Links
- Singapore NRF Fellow
- L’Oreal-Singapore Fellow
- L’Oreal-UNESCO International Rising Talent
- World Economic Forum Young Scientist
- Loh Huanqian Group, CQT