NG Hui Khoon
PhD in Physics, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA (2009)
Associate Professor

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Office: Saga College RC1-01-04H

Current Research

  • Physical aspects of quantum information and computation (theory), with expertise in quantum error correction and fault tolerance, quantum noise, and quantum tomography.

Selected Publications

  • M Fellous-Asiani, JH Chai, RS Whitney, A Auffèves, and HK Ng, Limitations in quantum computing from resource constraints, PRX Quantum 2, 040335 (2021) (arXiv:2007.01966).
  • Y Gu, R Mishra, B-G Englert, and HK Ng, Randomized linear gate set tomography, PRX Quantum 2, 030328 (2021) (arXiv:2010.12235).
  • Y Quek, S Fort, and HK Ng, Adaptive Quantum State Tomography with Neural Networks, npj Quantum Inf 7, 105 (2021) (arXiv:1812.06693).
  • B-G Englert, M Evans, GH Jang, HK Ng, DJ Nott, and Y-L Seah, Checking for model failure and for prior-data conflict with the constrained multinomial model, Metrika DOI 10.1007/s00184-021-00811-8 (2021) (arXiv:1804.06906).
  • J Qi and HK Ng, Randomized benchmarking in the presence of time-correlated dephasing noise, Phys Rev A 103, 022607 (2021) (arXiv:2010.11498).
  • DJ Nott, M Seah, L Al-Labadi, M Evans, HK Ng, and B-G Englert, Using prior expansions for prior-data conflict checking, Bayesian Anal 16, 203 (2021) (arXiv:1902.10393).
  • A Jayashankar, My DHL, HK Ng, and P Mandayam, Achieving fault tolerance against amplitude-damping noise, arXiv:2107.05485 (2021).
  • A Jayashankar, AM Babu, HK Ng, and P Mandayam, Finding good codes using the Cartan form, Phys Rev A 101, 042307 (2020).
  • YL Len and HK Ng, Open-system quantum error correction, Phys Rev A 98, 022307 (2018).
  • J Shang, Z Zhang, and HK Ng, Superfast maximum likelihood reconstruction for quantum tomography, Phys Rev A 95, 062338 (2017).
  • J Shang, HK Ng, A Sehrawat, X Li, and B-G Englert, Optimal error regions for quantum state estimation, New J Phys 15, 123026 (2013).
  • HK Ng, DA Lidar, and J Preskill, Combining dynamical decoupling with fault-tolerant quantum computation, Phys Rev A 84, 012305 (2011).
  • HK Ng and P Mandayam, Simple approach to approximate quantum error correction based on the transpose channel, Phys Rev A 81, 062342 (2010).
  • R Blume-Kohout, HK Ng, D Poulin, and L Viola, Characterizing the structure of preserved information in quantum processes, Phys Rev Lett 100, 030501 (2008).

Affiliations & Links

  • Centre for Quantum Technologies
  • Yale-NUS College Early Career Teaching Award, 2019. Inaugural recipient.
  • CQT Fellowship, 2019 – current.
  • Website