Cindy NG Shao Chin
PhD, University of Adelaide, Australia (2002)
Senior Lecturer

Office: S13-02-06
Tel: +65 6516 2822

Current Research

  • Dark energy models: scalar field, quintessence, modified gravity theories, braneworld model, teleparallel gravity, f(T), f(R)
  • Testing models with observational data: supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillation, CMB, etc.
  • Cosmography
  • Education: visualization tools

LEFT: Joint confidence-level plot for the cosmographic parameters, using the data from various astrophysical observations
RIGHT: Image from the animation created to explain the formation of the Solar System

Selected Publications

  • K.F. Ng and S.C. Cindy Ng, “The DGP model revisited”, Proceedings of the Conference in Honour of the 90th Birthday of Freeman Dyson: pp. 452-457 (2014).
  • Cosmological Model with a Local Void: New Supernova Constraints, Ho Le Tuan Anh, Shao Chin Cindy Ng, Int.J.Mod.Phys.A24:3531-3537 (2009) [arXiv:0907.3578]
  • Gravitational Energy as Dark Energy: Concordance of Cosmological Tests, Ben M. Leith, S.C.Cindy Ng, David L. Wiltshire, Astrophys.J.672:L91-L94 (2008) [arXiv:0709.2535]
  • S.C.C. Ng, N.J. Nunes, F. Rosati, “Applications of scalar attractor solutions to Cosmology”, Phys. Rev. D64, 083510 (2001)