PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (2013)
Assistant Professor

Office: S12-03-14
Tel: +65 6319 4910

Current Research

  • Anjan’s research interests are in investigating and harnessing emergent topological and quantum phenomena at the surfaces and interfaces of ultrathin or quasi two-dimensional materials and heterostructures. Examples include chiral spin textures, correlated spin- and charge-ordered states, topological surface states, superconductivity, collective excitations etc.
  • Anjan leads a cross-institutional materials and device physics team on Spin Technology for Electronic Devices (SpEED). His team develops wafer-scale thin films and heterostructures using physical vapour deposition techniques and fabricates associated nanodevices using lithographic tools.
  • Anjan’s team uses an array of in-house and facility-based materials and device characterizing techniques, including:
    • Magnetometry and transport using electrical and thermal probes
    • Microscopy with scanning probes (AFM/MFM, STM), electrons (TEM, holography), X-rays (TXM/XMCD), and light (Polar MOKE)
    • Spectroscopy using tunnelling, microwave transmission, and optical scattering modalities
  • His recent research has focussed on spin topology – including magnetic skyrmions and topological materials.

Selected Publications

  • X. Chen, M. Lin, J.F. Kong, H.R. Tan, A.K.C. Tan, S.-G. Je, H.K. Tan, K.H. Khoo, M.-Y. Im, A. Soumyanarayanan. “Unveiling the emergent traits of chiral spin textures in magnetic multilayers”. Advanced Science (2021), In Press.
  • A.K.C. Tan*, P. Ho*, J. Lourembam, L. Huang, H.K. Tan, C.J.O. Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt, A. Soumyanarayanan. Visualizing the Strongly Reshaped Skyrmion Hall Effect in Multilayer Wire Devices. Nature Communications (2021), 12, 4252.
  • H. Pirie, Y. Liu, A. Soumyanarayanan, P. Chen, Y. He, M.M. Yee, P.F.S. Rosa, J.D. Thompson, D.-J. Kim, Z. Fisk, X. Wang, J.P. Paglione, D.K. Morr, M.H. Hamidian, J.E. Hoffman. “Imaging emergent heavy Dirac fermions of a topological Kondo insulator.” Nature Physics (2019) 16, 52.
  • A. Soumyanarayanan, M. Raju, A.L. Gonzalez Oyarce, A.K.C Tan, M.-Y. Im, A.P. Petrovic, P. Ho, K.H. Khoo, M. Tran, C.K. Gan, F. Ernult, C. Panagopoulos. “Tunable room-temperature magnetic skyrmions in Ir/Fe/Co/Pt multilayers.” Nature Materials (2017) 16 (9), 898.
  • A. Soumyanarayanan, N. Reyren, A. Fert, C. Panagopoulos. “Emergent phenomena induced by spin-orbit coupling at surfaces and interfaces”, Nature (2016) 539 (7630), 509.
  • R. Chua, J. Henke, S. Saha, Y.L. Huang, J. Gou, X.Y. He, T. Das, J. van Wezel, A. Soumyanarayanan, A.T.S. Wee. Coexisting Charge-Ordered States with Distinct Driving Mechanisms in Monolayer VSe2. ACS Nano (2021), In Press.
  • S.-G. Je, D. Thian, X. Chen, L. Huang, D.-H. Jung, W. Chao, K.-S. Lee, J.-I. Hong, A. Soumyanarayanan, M.-Y. Im. Targeted Writing and Deleting of Magnetic Skyrmions in Two-Terminal Nanowire Devices. Nano Letters (2021) 21(3), 1253.
  • M. Raju*, A. Yagil*, A. Soumyanarayanan, A.K.C. Tan, A. Almoalem, F. Ma, O.M. Auslaender, C. Panagopoulos. “The evolution of skyrmions in Ir/Fe/Co/Pt multilayers and their topological Hall signature.” Nature Communications (2019) 10, 696.
  • Y. He, Y. Yin, M. Zech, A. Soumyanarayanan, I. Zeljkovic, M. Yee, M. Boyer, K. Chatterjee, W. Wise, T. Kondo, T. Takeuchi, H. Ikuta, P. Mistark, R. Markiewicz, A. Bansil, S. Sachdev, E. Hudson, J.E. Hoffman. “Fermi surface and pseudogap evolution in a cuprate superconductor.” Science (2014) 344 (6184), 608.
  • A. Soumyanarayanan, M. Yee, Y. He, J. van Wezel, D.J. Rahn, K. Rossnagel, E.W. Hudson, M.R. Norman, J.E. Hoffman. “Quantum phase transition from triangular to stripe charge order in NbSe2.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2013) 110 (5), 1623.

Affiliations & Links

  • Senior Scientist and Programme Head, Institute of Materials Research & Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR
  • 2018 Early Career Award, IEEE Magnetics Society (sole worldwide recipient)
  • 2018 Singapore Young Scientist Award, SNAS, Singapore (1 of 3 recipients)
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