SOW Chorng Haur
PhD, University of Chicago, USA (1998)

Office: S12-02-13
Tel: +65 6516 2957

Current Research

  • Studies of hybrid nanostructured functional materials and their unique electrical, optical and mechanical properties.
  • Investigation of potential applications of these nanostructured materials as field emitter, photo‐sensor, transistor, etc.

Selected Publications

  • JP. Lu, J. Wu, A. Carvalho, A. Ziletti, HW. Liu, JY. Tan, YF. Chen, AHC Castro Neto, B. Ozyilmaz, CH. Sow  “Bandgap Engineering of Phosphorene by Laser Oxidation toward Functional 2D Materials” ACS Nano 9, 10411 (2015)
  • JP. Lu, A. Carvalho, XK. Chan, HW. Liu, B. Liu,  ES. Tok, KP. Loh, AHC Castro Neto, CH. Sow, “Atomic Healing of Defects in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides”,  Nano Lett. 15, 3524 (2015)
  • JP. Lu, JH. Lu, HW. Liu, B. Liu, LL. Gong, ES. Tok. KP. Loh, CH. Sow, “Microlandscaping of Au Nanoparticles on Few-Layer MoS2 Films for Chemical Sensing”, Small 11, 1792 (2015) (Coverpage highlight)
  • YR Choi, MR Zheng, F. Bai, JJ Liu, ES Tok, ZF Huang, CH Sow, “Laser-induced Greenish-Blue Photoluminescence of Mesoporous Silicon Nanowires”,  Scientific Reports 4, 4940, (2014)
  • J.P. Lu, J.H. Lu, H.W. Liu, B. Liu, KX. Chan, JD. Lin, W. Chen, KP. Loh, CH Sow, “Improved Photoelectrical Properties of MoS2 Films after Laser Micromachining” ACS Nano 8, 6334 (2014)
  • JP. Lu, X. Lim, MR Zheng, SG Mhaisalkar, CH Sow, “Direct Laser Pruning of CdSxSe1-x Nanobelts en Route to a Multicolored Pattern with Controlled Functionalities” ACS Nano 6, 8298 (2012)
  • “Reduced Graphene Oxide Conjugated Cu2O Nanowire Mesocrystals for High-Performance NO2 Gas Sensor” S. Deng, V. Tjoa, HM. Fan, HR Tan, DC Sayle, M Olivo, SG Mhaisalkar, J Wei, CH Sow, JACS 134, 4905 (2012) (Cover image for Nano Today)
  • KY Lim, CH Sow, JY Lin, FC Cheong, ZX Shen, JTL Thong, KC Chin, ATS Wee,  “Laser pruning of carbon nanotubes as a route to static and movable structures”, Adv. Mater 15, 300 (2003) (Coverpage highlight)

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