Bernard TAN Tiong Gie
DPhil in Electronics, University of Oxford, UK (1968)
Emeritus Professor

Office: S12-02-01C
Tel: +65 6516 2615

Current Research

  • Microwave applications of semiconductors and dielectrics.
  • Digital musical sound analysis and synthesis.
  • Psychoacoustics of time-delayed multiple sound sources.

Selected Publications

  • Kalman-filtering speech enhancement method based on a voiced-unvoiced speech model. Zenton Goh, Kah-Chye Tan and B.T.G. Tan, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 1999, 7, 510-524.
  • Performance of the genetic annealing algorithm in DFM synthesis of dynamic musical sound samples. Lim, S.M. and B.T.G. Tan, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, May 1999, 47, 339-354.
  • Cavity perturbation technique for the measurement of permittivity tensor of uniaxially anisotropic dielectrics. Chen, Linfeng, C K Ong and B T G Tan, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 48 (December 1999): 1023-1030.
  • Automated Parameter Optimization for Double Frequency Modulation Synthesis Using a Tree Evolution Algorithm. B. T. G. Tan and N. Liu , Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, June 2003, 51, 534-546.

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