WANG Xuesen
PhD, University of Maryland, College Park, USA (1990)
Associate Professor

Office: S12-03-18
Tel: +65 6516 2961

Current Research

  • Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS) characterization of surfaces, thin films and nanostructures.
  • Self-assembly of functional hybrid nanostructures from combination of semiconductor, metal, semimetal and organic materials, such as organic molecule-metal nanoparticle for molecular electronics, and semiconductor-metal hybrid for photocatalysis.
  • Growth, STM/STS characterization and computational studies of Bi, Sb and P ultrathin films and nanostructures for novel electronic and spintronic applications.

Green Gold: Gold nanoparticles covered with PTCDA molecules. Their height and lateral size are about 2 nm and 3-5 nm, respectively. Their plasmonic resonance is strongly blueshifted so they may appear green instead of golden. Additionally, they are effective catalyst for CO conversion to CO2.

Selected Publications

  • G. Yao, Z. Luo, F. Pan, W. Xu, Y. P. Feng, & X.S. Wang, Evolution of Topological Surface States in Antimony Ultra-Thin Films, Scientific Reports 3, 2010 (2013).
  • X. Chu, G. Yao, A. T. S. Wee, X.S. Wang, Size-tunable Au nanoparticles on MoS2(0001), Nanotechnology 23, 375603 (2012).
  • X.S. Wang, S.S. Kushvaha, X. Chu, H. Zhang, Z. Yan, and W. Xiao, “Selective self-assembly of semi-metal straight and branched nanorods on inert Substrates”, in: AV Narlikar. YY Fu (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 2, Materials (Oxford University Press), p. 572 (2010).
  • H. Zhang, S.S. Kushvaha, S. Chen, X. Gao, D. Qi, A.T.S. Wee, and X.S. Wang, “Synthesis and magnetic properties of MnSb nanoparticles on Si-based substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 202503 (2007).

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