PhD, Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia (1987)
Adjunct Associate Professor
Email: phyny@nus.edu.sg
Office: S11-4-01
Tel: +65 6516 2634
Current Research
- Optics: Materials analysis using polarised light, for which highly sensitive system for measurement of light polarisation has been designed, made and used for research and education in physics and chemistry.
- Magnetism: Studies of mechanism of magnetisation reversal in ultra-thin films and coupled multilayer structures using magneto-optical and Hall effects.
Selected Publications
- N.L.Yakovlev “Precision Ellipsometry for Quantitative Real-Time Monitoring of Molecular Layers”, Modern Concepts in Material Science, v.1 (4) (2019).
- Yakovlev, Nikolai L.; Quek, Hou Chin; Dabrowski, Karol M.; Birch, William R. “Kinetics of small molecule adsorption studied using precision ellipsometry”, Surface and Interface Analysis, v.51 (7) 697 (2019).
- H.H.Lau, R.Murney, N.L.Yakovlev, M.V.Novoselova, S.H.Lim, N.Roy, H.Singh, G.B.Sukhorukov, B.Haigh, M.V.Kiryukhin, “Protein-tannic acid multilayer films: A multifunctional material for microencapsulation of food-derived bioactives”, J. Colloid and Interface Science, v.505, 332 (2017).
- N.Thiyagarajah, M.Asbahi, R.T.J.Wong, K.W.M.Low, N.L.Yakovlev, J.K.W.Yang, V.Ng, “A facile approach for screening isolated nanomagnetic behavior for bit-patterned media”, Nanotechnology, v.25 (22) 25203 (2014).
- N.L.Yakovlev, Y.Y.Tay, Z.J.Tay, H.V.Chen, “Distribution of switching fields in thin films with uniaxial magnetic anisotropy”, J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v.329, 170 (2013).
- N.L.Yakovlev, P.A.Maksym, J.L.Beeby, “Ionic Potential Analysis of RHEED Rocking Curves from Fluoride Structures”, Surface Science, v.529, 319 (2003).
- Ke L, Chua S.-J., Zhang K. and Yakovlev N., “Degradation and failure of organic light-emitting devices”, Applied Physics Lett, v.80, 2195 (2002).
- N.L.Yakovlev and Yu.V.Shusterman, “Growth by molecular beam epitaxy and structural study of lattice matched Mg(x)Ca(1-x)F2 films on silicon”, J. Cryst. Growth v.150, 1119 (1995).
- N.S.Sokolov, N.L.Yakovlev, J.Almeida, “Photoluminescence of Eu2+ and Sm2+ ions in CaF2 pseudomorphic layers grown by MBE on Si(111)”, Solid State Communications. v.76, n.7, 883 (1990).