PhD, University of Cambridge, UK (2004)
Senior Lecturer

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Office: S13-02-09
Tel: +65 6516 2821

Current Research

  • Multiparticle entanglement – My current research interest is in quantum entanglement associated with many parties. It lies at the heart of quantum information processing. Entanglement is one of the most striking features of quantum mechanics, but it is also one of its most counterintuitive consequences of which we still have rather incomplete knowledge. Although the concentrated effort during the past decade has produced impressive progress, there is no general qualitative and quantitative theory of entanglement. It is hoped that we would be able to gain more understanding about the nature of multipartite entanglement by analyzing the roles of multipartite entangled states in various quantum information processes.

Selected Publications

  • Effects of Collisional Decoherence on Multipartite Entanglement – How would entanglement not be relatively common? (quant-ph/0602169).
  • Teleportation and Dense Coding with Genuine Multipartite Entanglement (quant-ph/0510029).
  • Three-qubit Thermal Entanglement via Entanglement Swapping on Two-qubit Heisenberg XY chains (quant-ph/0506161).

Affiliations & Links

  • Assistant Dean (Student Life and Alumni Relations)
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