Outstanding Performance by NUS Physics Students at PLANCKS Singapore

Winner: Alice and Bob (from left: Chen Pang Yen Byron, Seth Chew Hew Peng, Chang Hexiang, Lo Yong Ern Matthew)
1st Runner Up: Schrödinger's brain cell (from left: Su Tianshui, Tiwari Pranay, Lim Hua En, Raviraj Ramchandra Talgeri)

Two teams of students from NUS Physics emerged as winners among participants from local universities at the PLANCKS Singapore Preliminaries held on 3 and 4 March. PLANCKS is an international, undergraduate exam-based physics competition organised by the International Association for Physics Students (IAPS).

PLANCKS provides an opportunity for physics students from all over the world to connect with one another. The aim is to increase international collaboration, allow participants to be socially engaged through a host of activities and stimulate the personal development of individual contestants. PLANCKS Singapore is the local competition under the auspices of the PLANCKS international organising committee. This year the NUS Physics Society has the opportunity to co-organise the local event with students from Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

“It is a ground-up initiative by students and (it) is heartening to see students from both our universities getting so enthused about this physics competition,” Dr Lee Teck Seng, Director, Odyssey Leaders in Science Programme, NTU, commented.

The winning team (Alice and Bob) will represent Singapore universities at PLANCKS International to be held this May at the University of Milan, Milan. They will receive full funding for registration and air fare from the department.