Physics Matters Jan 2020


Visitors from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei
26 – 30 August
Departmental Outing
24 Sep
Annular Solar Eclipse and SEANN Meeting
26 – 28 Dec
Visitors from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei
26 – 30 August
Departmental Outing
24 Sep
Annular Solar Eclipse and SEANN Meeting
26 – 28 Dec
Visitors from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei
26 – 30 August
Departmental Outing
24 Sep
Annular Solar Eclipse and SEANN Meeting
26 – 28 Dec
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Annular Solar Eclipse and SEANN Meeting, 26 – 28 Dec, 2019

26 Dec 2019 would remain historic and enduring for many astronomy enthusiasts across Asia. Crowds had assembled to catch a glimpse of the annular solar eclipse unfolding before their eyes. This rare astronomical phenomenon occurs when the moon covers the centre of the sun, but with the latter’s outer edges still visible, the appearance is a “ring of fire” or annulus around the moon.

An Interview with A/Prof James C L Lee

A/Prof James C L Lee, Chief Radiation Physicist (Division of Radiation Oncology, National Cancer Centre Singapore) and Adjunct Associate Professor (Department of Physics, National University of Singapore; Division of Physics & Applied Physics, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, Nanyang Technological University) shares about medical physics and medical physicists at the forefront of medical treatment.

Physics 1, 2, 3

Physics Matters catches up with three physics majors currently in their first, second and third year of study. They share valuable insights of their journey into physics.

Our Alumnus Speaks…

Mr Soh Rong’en (MSc 2018) currently works in the field of business analytics in a local bank. He shares his insights about work and his physics training.

In reminiscence…

Ms Lee Soo Mien shares how lab technology has evolved over the past 40 years and her personal experience as a laboratory technologist in the department.

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