Postgraduate Studies in Physics

The Department of Physics, NUS, offers full-time and part-time graduate studies by research leading to the degrees of Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). APart-time M.Sc. programme by Coursework in Physics and Applied Physics are also available under the Department’s graduate studies programme.

Graduate students in the Department have a choice of a wide range of research fields. Now, the department has 74 faculty members in which many of them are also members of one of the research centers – “Center for Quantum Technologies”, “Graphene Research Center”, “Nanocore” and “Mechanobiology Institute”, as well as the “Center for Ion Beam Application” and the “Center for Computational Science and Engineering”. It is supported by over 40 research staff, 54 technical/clerical staff and a well-equipped workshop. The Department has extensive facilities with state-of-the-art instrumentation suitable for both fundamental and applied research. Currently the graduate community numbers at about 200 with a good mix of local and foreign students. A friendly and informal atmosphere exists among staff and students as collaborative work with other disciplines and industrial R & D abound.