About Us




This safety website was established to provide student and staff of Department of Physics with a convenient source of useful safety information, including NUS safety policies, standard operating procedures, guidelines, department induction procedures, rules and regulations. It is maintained by the Department Safety and Health Committee (DSHC).

Department Safety and Health Committee

Department Safety and Health Committee was formed to assist and advise the Head of Department on safety and health matters. The committee is committed to work with the department to establish a positive safety and health culture through adoption of best practices and compliance of legal requirements.

Prior to this committee, the safety committee was known as LOTUS which stands for “Let The Team Uphold Safety” formed in 2003. Going way back to 1999, the safety committee was simply the Physics Safety Committee.

Our Mission

To create a safe and healthy workplace through awareness and compliance with legal and the university’s safety and health policies.

Our Vision

We aim to achieve the highest level of safety standard in our department.

Department Safety and Health Committee (DSHC)

  • Head  Prof Gong Jiangbin, 6516 2603
  • Deputy Head  A/Prof Phil Chan, 6516 6390
  • Assistant Head  A/Prof Andrew Anthony Bettiol, 6516 4138
  • Chair  A/Prof Johan RC van der Maarel, 6516 4396
  • Co-Chair, SH Coordinator  Mr. Ng Tong Hoe, 6516 4122
  • Assistant Co-Chair  Mr. Wu Tong Meng Samuel, 6516 2634
  • Secretary Ms. See Sin Yin, 6516 4122
  • Members  Mr. Kek Chun Peng Ben, 6516 2613, Mr. Suradi bin Sukri, 6516 2630, Mr. Chen Gin Seng 6516 2823, Mr. Wong How Kwong, 6516 2999

Department of Physics Safety and Health Policy

Department of Physics is committed to ensuring a high standard of safety and health (S&H) for its staff, students and visitors, in association with research, teaching and service activities within the department.

We demonstrate our commitment through the implementation of the following policy statements, in alignment with the university’s policies and standards.

  1. Safety & Health Culture

    We strive to build and sustain a positive safety and health culture in the department by integrating safety & health in all aspects of its operation and embracing it as a core value.

  2. Accident Prevention

    We aim for zero incident/accident by actively identifying and evaluating safety & health risks; and effectively managing them to prevent injuries and ill-health to our staff, students and visitors. This is achievable through implementation of our safety & health management system, which is reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness.

  3. Legal Compliance

    We shall comply with the applicable S&H legislations as well as the corporate S&H policies, directives and standards formulated by the university and the faculty.

  4. Training & Education

    We shall ensure our staff and students are competent to conduct work activities in a safe manner by equipping them with necessary safety knowledge and technical skills. We shall also ensure that they attend all mandatory safety trainings as required by the university, the faculty and the department.

  5. Continual Improvement

    We shall review our department’s safety & health performance regularly and revise our safety and health management system accordingly to achieve continual improvement.

Prof Gong Jiangbin
Head of Department
Department of Physics


To put in place a labelling system to indicate current rating of individual equipment connected to ALL extension cords in the common facilities, and achieve 80% compliance in the random checks, by the end of 2021.

Emergency Contacts

  • Fire / Ambulance, 995
  • Police, 999
  • Campus Security, 6874 1616
  • Bio-Science (S16) Security Guard Room, 6516 2365
  • University Health Service, 6776 1631
  • National University Hospital, 6779 5555
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