Our Alumnus Speaks…

Alumnus Dr Saw Thuan Beng (PhD, 2013) shares about his research and some words of advice for students.

What is it about physics that fascinates you?
Physics works on universal and simple sets of rules that make prediction in diverse systems possible. For example, the concept of topological defect, i.e. singularity in an order parameter field, can be found in cosmology, condensed matter and even biology!

Share about your current research interests and the potential benefits of such studies.
I will start my tenure track position at Westlake University School of Life Science in Hangzhou China early 2022. The name of my lab is the “Laboratory of Electromechanobiology”. With my team, I hope to elucidate the coupling of biophysical and biochemical parameters in governing tissue behaviour in the long run. The biophysical parameters include mechanics but also bioelectricity which is still poorly understood outside of non-excitable cells such as neurons or heart cells. Such studies hopefully will give us more insights into important biological problems such as cancer formation or lead to new tissue engineering applications. Regarding the latter, my collaborator and I are applying for a patent with a microfluidic-based technology coming out of our basic studies.

What do you miss about your physics education at the department?
NUS Physics provides a rigorous training for students and prepares them to think logically from first principles. Many of the world’s most original thinkers and entrepreneurs including Elon Musk work from first principles. With such thinking, students can more easily adapt to a new field if they choose to do so in the future. This is the most valuable asset I have gotten from a physics education, as evident from the fact that I have now transitioned to the biology field and making unique contributions to the community.

What words of encouragement or advice would you like to share with our students?
The Singapore government is widely encouraging entrepreneurship nowadays as this is a crucial element for any society or country to succeed in a fast-changing world. I would advise students to be bold and pursue their passion and the unknown. There may be failure sometimes (or even lots of times), but if they are persistent enough, success is bound to be not far off!

Finally, Westlake University is situated in Hangzhou which is a very beautiful city. It is attracting some of the best young talents in China and around the world. I welcome you to visit or apply for a PhD program or postdoc position here.

NUS Physics provides a rigorous training for students and prepares them to think logically from first principles.