Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Model with the JILA Electron’s Electric Dipole Moment (eEDM) Experiment

SpeakerDr Ng Kia Boon, JILA, University of Colorado
HostMurray Douglas Barrett
DateThu, 9 Dec @ 11:00am
Zoom registration link


The electron’s electric dipole moment (eEDM) is strongly linked to our understanding of the universe. One of the most successful models we have to describe the universe is the Standard Model of particle physics, and yet it is known to be incomplete. There has been a substantial effort on the theoretical front to introduce new physics through extensions of Standard Model. These new physics models make varying predictions for the values of the eEDM. A measurement of (or an improved limit on) the eEDM would place constraints on these new theories. I will be introducing the eEDM experiment using trapped molecular ions at JILA, and how we intend to smash our 2017 measurement limit with a cryogenic multiplexed ion trap.


Kai Boon Ng received his Bachelors degree from NUS. His PhD studies have been carried out in the group of Jun Ye in collaboration with Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell. His research work uses precision measurements of ThF+ to place tighter limits of a possible electron electric dipole moment.