Archaeo-astronomy, a novel study for identifying earlier Astronomical events

SpeakerNaseer Iqbal, University of Kashmir Srinagar, India
HostsAbel Yang and Phil Chan
Date/TimeMonday, 24 July 2023, 3:00 PM
LocationConference room: S11-02-07


The Science of Astronomy and Astrophysics has revolutionized our understanding about the evolution of Universe. Although in the last couple of decades more focus has been on studying few challenges like Dark matter / Dark energy and launching of new space probes. However, one remains ignorant about the kind of Astronomy which earlier civilizations would have done for a better understanding of sky and its related studies. There could have been definitely some events in the past which still have their indications in the space as on now and is a question of interest. Astronomers at International level are nowadays using various studies/ approaches to know about the past astronomy and in that context our study has made an attempt for identifying some past earlier astronomical records which surely has a significance in today’s astronomy.

In my talk I will discuss one of the scientific study known as Archaeo-astronomy its importance and its application of knowing many past astronomical records like Supernova of a star, Change of seasons, Meteor Impact and many more.


Naseer Iqbal is an Associate Professor at the University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India and a Visiting Scientist at the Inter-University centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India.. His research interests include the large scale structure of the universe, archaeoastronomy and X-ray astronomy.

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