Multiwavelength Universe

SpeakerNaseer Iqbal, University of Kashmir Srinagar, India
HostsAbel Yang and Phil Chan
Date/TimeWednesday, 26 July 2023, 3:00 PM
LocationConference room: S11-02-07


Various kinds of telescopes are being used to observe the Universe in multiwavelength. Although tremendous efforts have been made at the international level to come up with more and more considerable knowledge about the Multiwavelength Universe but still there is a lot to go for the future. X ray / Gamma ray astronomy are the two important pillars for which many new space probes like AstroSat , CTA, MACE and others are presently in use or have started their operations to probe the objects in space.

In my talk I will discuss on the description of Multiwavelength Universe and its composition and will focus more on X ray and Gamma ray astronomy. AstroSat India’s Multiwavelength satellite has been in use for the last more than seven years, it has yielded many new studies. Similarly, I will also through a light on Gamma ray/ high energy Universe and discuss some recent developments in this regard.


Naseer Iqbal is an Associate Professor at the University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India and a Visiting Scientist at the Inter-University centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, India.. His research interests include the large scale structure of the universe, archaeoastronomy and X-ray astronomy.