How I met your paper

SpeakerDr. Nina Meinzer, Senior Editor & Team Leader at Nature Physics
Date/TimeFriday, 23 February, 11AM
LocationConference room: S11-02-07
HostProf Gong Jiangbin


To many researchers the editorial process at scientific journals is a black box that converts submitted manuscripts into published papers — even more so at selective journals like Nature Physics, where editors select only a small number of papers to be sent to review. In this presentation, I will give a ‘behind-the-scenes’ tour of the editorial process at Nature Physics and provide some insight into our decision-making process.


Nina Meinzer is a Senior Editor & Team Leader at Nature Physics. She received her PhD in optical physics from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, and spent several years as a postdoc at the University of Exeter, UK. In 2016, Nina started her editorial career at Nature Communications before moving to Nature Physics in 2019, where she look after a broad range of optics and photonics papers. As Team Leader, Nina is responsible for the journal’s non-primary content, which aligns well with her passion for science communication.

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