Efficient and stable single-layer blue OLEDs

SpeakerPaul W.M. Blom, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
Date/TimeTuesday, 23 Jul, 4PM
LocationConference room: S11-02-07
HostProf Peter Ho


The efficiency and stability of single-layer polymer light-emitting diodes is compromised by unbalanced charge transport, absence of triplet-exciton harvesting and low photoluminescence quantum efficiencies. We demonstrate that using thermally delayed activated fluorescence emitters in combination with trap-free transport internal quantum efficiencies of unity are obtained, resulting in high external quantum efficiencies of 28%. Our results show that OLEDs with a simplified single-layer structure can rival the efficiencies of complex multilayer stacks.


Paul W.M. Blom, born in 1965 in The Netherlands, received his Ph.D. degree in 1992 from the Technical University Eindhoven on picosecond charge carrier dynamics in GaAs. At Philips Research Laboratories he was engaged in the electro-optical properties of polymer light-emitting diodes. From 2000 he held a professorship at the University of Groningen in the field of electrical and optical properties of organic semiconducting devices. In September 2008 he became Scientific Director of the Holst Centre in Eindhoven, where the focus is on foil-based electronics, followed in 2012 by an appointment as director at the MPI for polymer research in the field of molecular electronics. He is named among the World’s Most Influential Minds and the Top 1% Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science by Thomson Reuters.

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