Honours Project

The Physics department will no longer allow students to start their honours project unless they have completed the required 1000, 2000 and 3000 level Grade Point Averages. This has been the policy since 2012, please take note. Exceptions will only be considered if valid and reasonable grounds are given provided.

These guidelines are formatted for Final Year Projects (FYPs) starting in Week 1 of Semester 1 of each Academic Year, which is the normal timeline. For students who desire to start in Week 1 of Semester 2, analog guidelines hold.

These guidelines are indicative. Detailed instructions and reminders will be sent to the students and supervisors in due time.

Honours project guide

  • It is the responsibility of the student to agree with a supervisor for a project by the end of Week 0 of their Honors year.
  • The student may contact any Faculty member. Once agreement with a supervisor is reached, the student notifies the coordinator.
  • The student is not supposed to start working actively on the specific project before Week 1. Previously acquired expertise and results (obtained e.g. during UROPS, internships etc.) constitute a welcome preparation for the Final Year Project.
  • The students will be divided in groups of five or six and will have to deliver, within the group, two intermediate oral presentations in the presence of their supervisors.
  • The first presentation is scheduled around Week 8 of Semester 1. It is meant to check that the students have understood the scope of their project. This presentation does not contribute to the grade.
  • The second presentation must takes place before the recess week of Semester 2, and is typically scheduled around Week 3 of that semester. At this stage, some results should start to appear. It will be graded by the supervisors present in the audience, the mark counting for 5% of the final mark.
  • A final written thesis must be submitted at the beginning of Week 12 of Semester 2.
  • The supervisor will grade the whole project and the thesis. This mark counts for 35% of the final mark.
  • In the days following the submission, each student will have a viva with two assessors. The mark given by each assessor counts for 20% of the final mark.
  • During Week 13, the students will deliver their final oral presentation in front of a panel of faculty members. The marks obtained during this evaluation count cumulatively for 20% of the final grade.

Click here for more information. Please direct your queries to Dr Chan Taw Kuei (phyctk@nus.edu.sg).