Minor in Meteorology and Climate Science

The importance of climate change for all of humankind is becoming clearer as the trends observed in the late 20th century are now seen to continue, and strong consequences for societies and economies are expected. Modern-day climate change, due primarily to human influences e.g. CO2 production, represents an existential thread to human society and the natural world, and has been recognised as such at the highest levels within Singapore. This Minor in Meteorology and Climate Science will equip students with essential knowledge in this field.

Climate science is based on the fundamental laws of physics (equations of motion, thermodynamics, etc.), chemistry (e.g. gaseous composition, aerosol production) and their interaction e.g. cloud formation. Significant local investments in underpinning climate science research e.g. the Centre for Climate Research Singapore (CCRS), research laboratories and IHLs has increased the demand for graduates/postgraduates with a detailed understanding of the physical processes and interactions which define the climate system. In addition, sectors of Singapore government/industry (e.g. water, urban planning, energy, etc.) are working at pace to develop detailed climate mitigation and adaptation plans which also require graduates/postgraduates with the basic physical understanding to help bridge the gap between fundamental climate science and specific impacts/decisions for their particular application. As Singapore currently relies heavily on expertise imported from abroad to fill the growing number of climate science vacancies, this minor will help to groom local talents in the field of climate science.

To be awarded the Minor in Meteorology and Climate Science, a student must complete the following courses:

  • PC2174A Mathematical Methods in Physics I*
  • PC3238 Fluid Dynamics
  • PC3442 Weather and Climate Fundamentals

Choose two courses from:

  • PC3441 Numerical Methods for Meteorology
  • PC4441 Climate Science and Climate Change Fundamentals
  • PC4262 Remote Sensing

*Students with major requirements in MA courses may double count MA2002^a or [MA1521+MA1522]^b or MA1505^c or MA1508E^d or [MA1511+MA1513]^e towards PC2174A.

^a. Must complete MA2001 as well, recommended to take MA2104 or MA2311
^b. Recommended to take MA2104 or MA2311 or self-study multivariable calculus
^c. Must complete MA1508E or MA1513, recommended to take MA1512
^d. Must complete MA1505 or MA1511, recommended to take MA1512
^e. Recommended to take MA1512

For more information and queries on this minor, please contact: Dr. Yeo Ye (email: phyyy@nus.edu.sg).