Minor in Physics

The Department of Physics offers a Minor in Physics which comprises courses related to the fundamentals of physics, leading to a basic understanding of an important area of knowledge.

It is aimed at engineering and science students for widening their intellectual horizons and preparing them for greater challenges ahead.

To be awarded a minor in Physics, a student must pass the following courses:

For students with a primary major outside of CDE

  1. One compulsory Level 1000 course:
    • PC1101 Frontiers of Physics
  2. Two compulsory Level 2000 courses:
    • PC2174A Mathematical Methods in Physics I or MA2104* or MA2311*
    • PC2193 Experimental Physics and Data Analysis
  3. Any two of the following courses:
    • PC2031 Electricity and Magnetism I
    • PC2032 Classical Mechanics I
    • PC2130 Quantum Mechanics I
    • PC2135 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

* Students with MA2104 or MA2311 can only double count 4 Units towards PC2174A if they have also read a course on Linear Algebra (MA2001/MA1508E/MA1513/MA1522).

For students with a primary major in CDE

  1. One compulsory Level 1000 course:
    • PC1101 Frontiers of Physics or ESP1111 Engineering Principles In-Action
  2. Two compulsory Level 2000 courses:
    • PC2174A Mathematical Methods in Physics I or [MA1511+MA1513] or [MA1511+MA1512] or MA1505
    • PC2193 Experimental Physics and Data Analysis
  3. Any two of the following courses:
    • PC2031 Electricity and Magnetism I or PC2020 Electromagnetics for Electrical Engineers
    • PC2032 Classical Mechanics
    • PC2130 Quantum Mechanics I or PC2130B Applied Quantum Physics
    • PC2135 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

For more information and queries on the programme please contact: A/Prof Edward Teo (phyteoe@nus.edu.sg).