Master of Science in Physics for Technology

Curriculum (cohorts 2023/24 and after) 

Each candidate has to complete 40 units: 20 units from the compulsory courses and project, plus other 5 elective courses chosen from the list of electives for five key thematics or other courses upon department approval. A minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 is required for graduation.

From AY2023/24 onwards, undergraduate students who wish to read PC5101, PC5102, and PC5214 have to pay additional fees per course on top of their semester fees.

Core Courses
Students must complete 4 core courses (total 20 units):
Elective Courses

Students are required to complete 5 elective courses (total 20 units), excluding PC5286 (MSc Physics Coursework Project) and PC5198 (Graduate Seminar Course in Physics). Students can take a maximum of two level 4000 (PC4xxx) courses.

Cross-faculty/department courses

Students may take up to two level 5000 courses (8 units) not in the curriculum to fulfil the graduation requirement. The registration for any cross-faculty/department course is subject to approval by both the programme and the department that offers the course. All CQT graduate courses are considered as physics courses and hence acceptable elective courses.

Graduate Certificate programme

The curricula for Graduate Certificates are grouped into five key thematics: Materials, Quantum Technologies, Semiconductor Technologies, Photonic Technologies, and Big Data in Physical Sciences. Students who are unable to complete the MSc but have taken minimal two courses from one cluster may be issued a Graduate Certificate.

Quantum Technologies
Semiconductor Technologies
Photonics Technology
Big Data in Physical Sciences