PhD Qualifying Examinations (QE)

Important: Candidates are strongly encouraged to check with Registrar’s Office for any possible official updates.

With effect from Semester 2 AY 2019/2020, the QE Comprehensive Written Examination has been replaced by Oral Examination. The oral examination will be held during the week immediately after the recess week of the first semester. The contents of the oral examination will be based on the syllabus of undergraduate physics. The duration of the oral exam for each student is between 1 to 1.5 hours.

Detailed syllabus

If a new PhD student fails the oral examination, he/she will be given a 2nd attempt. The 2nd attempt will be scheduled about 4 weeks after the 1st attempt.

If the student fails the 2nd attempt, he/she will have to exit the PhD program, by either leaving NUS or choosing to downgrade to our MSc program.

An oral presentation to the thesis advisory committee and public, followed with answering questions.

Important notes on PhD Qualifying Examination 2 (QE2): Research Proposal Oral Exam

  1. The QE2 (Oral Exam) is to be conducted by the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) of the candidate, which has to be formed by the supervisor as early as possible. The TAC consists of the supervisor plus at least two more faculty members, approved by the department.
  2. QE2 takes place after the candidate passed the QE1 (Comprehensive Exam). It must be passed within the first 2 years of candidature. Each graduate student is allowed at most two attempts for QE2. Please note that the 2nd Attempt must also be within the first two years of candidature.
  3. The candidate should submit an abstract of his/her research proposal to the Department, and the presentation should be announced in the Department at least one week before the Exam.
  4. The Exam starts with the presentation by the candidate and Q&A open to public, followed by a close Q&A with the TAC. The TAC will make pass/fail decision at the end, and give the candidate advice, comments and suggestions.
  5. The TAC will submit a report of the decision, together with a summary of the candidate’s performance and the advice/suggestions given to the candidate.

The whole QE (QE1 and QE2) should be completed within two years (i.e. four regular semesters) from the start of candidature.

Please take note:

  1. PhD candidate must pass all components of QE, the last one QE2 oral, within a two-year limit. Otherwise, the candidate may be asked to be downgraded to MSc.
  2. The supervisors need to propose the TAC as soon as the candidate pass QE1, instead of after QE2 as in the past.
  3. To pass QE, the candidate must have grade C or better in English course at intermediate level (for those from non-English speaking countries).
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