Specialisation in Astrophysics (for cohort before AY2021/22)

This specialisation focuses on Celestial Physics and Cosmology. Typically suitable for students aspiring to be physics teachers, it has also an important component of data analysis.

To be awarded a specialisation in Astrophysics, candidates must read and pass the following courses, as part of the major requirements for B.Sc. (Hons.) with a primary major in Physics.

Course LevelMajor RequirementsCumulative Major Units
Level-3000 and Level-4000

Pass all the following courses:

  • PC3246 Astrophysics I
  • PC4199 Honours Project in Physics (Astrophysics)
  • PC4248 General Relativity
  • PC4249 Astrophysics II
Course LevelMajor RequirementsCumulative Major Units
Compulsory Course
  • PC4199 Honours Project in Physics (Astrophysics)
Two Courses
  • PC3246 Astrophysics I
  • PC4248 General Relativity
  • PC4249 Astrophysics II

For more information and queries on this specialisation, please contact: Dr Cindy Ng (email: phynsc@nus.edu.sg)