Suggested Study Plans

Important note on workload: Semester vs. Year-long Communities and Engagement (C&E) courses
  • Some C&E courses, usually the field/project-work courses, are regular intense 4-Unit courses with work completed within one semester.
  • Other C&E courses, especially the service-work courses, are spread out over two consecutive semesters, or up to one year, that is, Semester 1 through Semester 2 to Special Term 2; or Semester 2 through the Special Terms to Semester 1 of following Academic Year (AY). You may click here for more details on the service-work courses.
  • For those students who read the year-long C&E courses which extend till Special Term (during the summer break) after their 8th semester, please note that grades are awarded at the end of Special Term 2, which means your degree will be conferred in end-Aug, and you will join the Commencement ceremony in the following year instead of the same AY of completion of the course. For more details, please check out the FAQ here.
  • As such, students who prefer to take such year-long C&E courses instead of semester-long courses (where the latter might have limited capacity in each semester) are encouraged to plan in advance. You may do so by including the C&E course in your study plan earlier in your candidature; for example, during Year 2 of study.
  • This would allow students to plan for other enrichment programmes (such as Student Exchange programmes, NOC and/or UPIP/Internships) during Year 3 instead of delaying this requirement to Year 4 when students will need to devote time for their job search in the final semester as they complete the remaining graduation requirements.
  • For more enquiries, please check out the FAQ, or email the C&E team at
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