Specialised Workshop in Physics, 10-12 July, 2019

A total of 27 international high school students took part in the Specialised Workshop in Physics held at the department. This workshop was a three-day extension of the Science Summer Camp organised by the Asia Pacific Centre of Management Education (APCME). The objective of the summer camp is to stir the curiosity of young students and impart in them a life-long fascination for science through an intellectually stimulating environment.

Students had the opportunity to engage in different hands-on activities such as laser cutting, identifying unknown sample using various identification tools, trying out olympiad experiments as well as stargazing. They were also brought to research labs and briefed on the state-of-the-art facilities available for research here at the department. Talks by professors served to further enhance their understanding of this physical universe.

The department hopes that the workshop has been an inspiring and meaningful experience for all the young participants as they continue to pursue their higher learning in science.

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